Undead Hunter Pets

Seeing as it’s no secret we’ll likely be getting a new death themed or partially death themed expansion I see no better time to add some variety to the hunter class selection of pets. There are a number of unique undead beasts and creatures in-game that would be awesome to tame. Stiched hounds, skeleton hounds, skeleton raptors, possibly even gargoyles, etc to name a few. Come on blizzard let us tame undead pets already. We already have the ability to tame mechanical pets, so how about undead pets?


Some links to provide a visual and examples


Skeletal Hounds

Skeletal Raptors

Skeletal Wind Serpents

Skeletal Devilsaur



Hey, I’ll sign that petition.


Though we do have some undead looking pets we can tame now, I wouldn’t mind more added [skeleton raptors has been one I’ve wanted since vanilla]. As you stated, why not…mechanical are all ready stretching it, and if I really sat here and thought about it, there are more we could put in that category.


im in for it. hell, its already annoying for non gnomes/goblin hunter to get robo pets, lets just be able to tame all animals, dont matter if there dead, alive or demon…


I like this and also tamable Alpaca please :heart: :hugs:


Yes, especially them. :smiley:



Look, you already took our Fel Core Hound as your cuddling pet.

And then you even took our Infernal as mounts.

Now you want undead pets?

Can we just stick to the ‘animal’ instead ‘anything that can move and it looks cool for me’?


Lol doubt it, that would have been lich king expansion…and we got nothing.

Half of all hunters will have an undead canine with some variant on the name Cujo.

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I wanna pet forsaken

I want a Drustvar dog…that one ladies dog came back as one.


Where’s the fun in that?

Now I want a full-grown Alterac Brew Pup.


They have a few battle pets of them, a hunter pet would be awesome too!

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They’re undead…not beasts. Hunters tame beasts so…?

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More racial tomes! And lower the level to 60 to use.
Undead can tame undead beasts.
Pandaran can tame serpent dragons and those statues dog/lions.
Nelves can tame gryphons.
Dwarves can tame rams and horses
Kul tirans can tame wicker beasts
Ect ect!

You mean the Quilen?

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Does this mean my inscription prof will be useful and make me money again? I can support that then.

Maybe, though id say getting rep with that race to earn the teachings could also work. But, perhaps you need that, then write the book that you can then sell? Lol

Mecha required engineering to make, direhorns murdering zandalari and feathermanes to complete hunter hall stuff.

Inscription does make sense.

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Can’t you get the rabid bear? Always wanted to get one and name him “Ol’ Shoddy.” :laughing: