Undead guilds?

I saw that DoA disbanded and probably left the server. Are there any other undead guilds running around? I am primarily pvp/rp. I’m just hoping all the undead RPers didn’t go ally or to WrA.

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Yeah DoA went to WRA early BFA and disbanded twice, due to the T man himself of course. Now it’s just a shell of its former self.

Better off race changing to goblin and joining Quickfuse. :wink:


Guilds are mostly dead rather than undead wakka wakka.

Great idea :bulb:

There is the desolate conclave if you want to hit them up. Undead focused rp but open to other races via death knights

flex Yeah I’m kind of a big deal. They still talk about me three years after I left.

Good luck on the search. I am sorry I cannot be of assistance. Remember to have fun today.

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Desolate Commissirsiriarettt is your best bet.

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TDC is up and running. We’re an undead centric guild with a shadow government theme.

If you’re interested in more of our RP background feel free to check this out;

And you can reach me at BNet @ Benediktion#11879 if you’ve any questions.

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I am Revendreth.

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The hell you are.