Undead elf and san'layn customization for void elf

I would love VElves to have red as an eye color choice.

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Yes, many of us do.

They can give Alliance San’layn and Horde Ogre.

and dark rangers to horde

Fortunately, it’s customization for Death Knights.
The recent hair colors and tentacle toggle unlocked many possible combinations on the PTR.


Look abit cringe, could be better with red eyes.

Although, I would not mind additional eye colors for Death Knight’s. I commonly find the red eyes thing to be a tad bit ClichĂ©d and more appropriate for Banshees.

I think this would be cool. But only specifically to spite the terrible San’layn fan crowd and to take revenge for Blood Elves going Horde in the first place.

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I don’t know what source you get your lore from but you’ve been wrong on so many counts in this thread I don’t even know where to begin, and will not even try.


How do you people manage to find every little thing you could try to take from Blood Elf players just to spite them?

How about you stick to your two themes and go to the far back of the queue for now? Cause you really are the last race now that needs any customizations that open up a new theme.

:roll_eyes: What a sad way of being.


I will be a champion of high elves and any customization that gets us high elves because it makes lore sense. With that being said I cannot in good faith agree to this one. There is no lore sense to it.

I am in favor of the forsaken getting undead elves because that would make sense lore wise and would give undead players more customization options. I would probably also be ok with San’layn going to blood elves even though i believe the last of the san’layn that “were” working with the horde died in BFA if im not mistaken, but w/e.

But for alliance to get these? no Im sorry this is one customization option i cannot in good conscience agree to.

For void elf and blood elf.

Can they even reproduce given technically they’re corpses?

Also: Eww :unamused:

If that was the point I’m sorry. I don’t know how to tell real requests and troll requests apart anymore.

As much as I would think that’d be cool as hell, Undead Thalassian Elves / San’layn really belong as a Forsaken customization. It makes the most sense lore wise and has been requested for so long.

Alliance wanted High Elves for so long, and we were denied time and time again which felt really bad. Why would you want to do the same to Forsaken fans out there?

I know what I am speaking about when saying “Only the Strongest” of the Blood Elf Death Knights, the weaker ones are indeed decomposing and more than happy to stay in the Horde.

Laying down with the Strongest Blood Elf Death Knight is no different from being in bed with Yujiro Hanma. Only wielders physically transformed by their Artifact Maw of the Damned are worthy. :smirk:

So only the bulky Chad corpses? :face_with_monocle:

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Horde would be much more likely to accept undead elves into their ranks

Alliance is still very distrustful of undead in general


look good if your character had red eyes it would be perfect

Uhh no, even the newest DK races are easily accepted in Alliance now.