Undead elf and san'layn customization for void elf

It wasn’t enough that they get to steal all the belf stuff, now they want more.


undead is not a blood elf thing, void elves have necromancy its a void elf thing

San’layn have no connection with the Void Elves. Blood Elves do.

San’layn? Yes.
They failed to join the Horde, and the only people who’d likely even give them a chance are the void elves now after they betrayed the Forsaken. Already got the “b-but they’re hostile” like Dark Irons and Worgen aren’t flat out playable races now.

Undead? With Dark Ranger aesthetics?
No. That needs to stay Horde. They’re already there and deeply ingrained.

Void Elves are literally Blood Elves bro.

Stop gate-keeping something your faction doesn’t actually have.

San’layn and the undead elfs are horde bro, we have to be grateful that they have given us the possibility of being high elves and blood elves, let’s not ask so much, apart from that, the horde players will be offended by that, it is demanding something that does not correspond to us.


I guess they better be with the void elves than with the blood elves.
although I would prefer that they be part of the forsaken.

What is the connection between the blood elves and the sanlayn that the void elves do not have?

I am still awaiting a response from them, but it’s likely they’re currently fighting another Civil War among one and another to see who’s the strongest.

As a Diplomat, I’ve tamed a Savage and Feral Death Knight before, I am curious if I could have an army of them.

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For starters. Void Elves have connection with High Elves like Alleria, and etc on the Alliance while the Blood Elves pretty much have a connection with the Undead Rangers and San’layn since San’layn were Blood Elves and not really High Elves/Void Elves.

I honestly do not see any of Sylvanas’ Dark Rangers or San’Layn joining the Alliance. One remains Loyal to the Banshee Queen while the other was completely wiped out.

Would love to see more customization for their Death Knights.

dark ranger were high elves were not blood elves, and sanlayn were blood elves and void elves were blood elves.
but this is the important thing the blood elves live in a kingdom full of light that kills the undeads and the void elves use necromancy. clearly if you are an undead you would rather go with the void elves.

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I know I will be in the minority here but I would rather not have undead sully up the Alliance any further than deathknights. The only thing we have going for us is a smaller number of zombies.

100% Absolutely not. San’layn and undead should go to blood elves or forsaken, or their own HORDE allied race. The Alliance needs to stop asking for things that should be Horde. You have your high elf customization, go ask for more lore or whatever to support you. But these themes are what Horde have been asking for, and would fit the Horde, so no. Big no.

^ That’s the megathread for San’layn. On Horde. For those who want to support the ideas where they belong.


How to fit into the blood elves customization undead when the blood elves are irradiated by the light of the sunwell and have paladin class? instead the void elves use necromancy!

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No. You want to push your headcanon so badly about lightforged elves, and it’s not a thing. They have golden eyes. That’s the extent of their ‘light’ customization. They don’t suddenly become lightforged because of it despite your headcanon.

Big. No.


Tell me how is it possible that in a society irradiated by the light that kills undeads, the undeads can fit in? Why wouldn’t they fit into a society that uses necromancy like the void elves do?

Time to cool it on the elves and invest some time/energy in ogres instead.

I said my bit and I’m muting this thread, because I’m honestly not going to argue with you.

Also rofl at the nonsense of “Gatekeeping what we don’t already have”, the UNDEAD are on the HORDE SIDE. Horde have been asking for San’layn for years, and I should bloody know. The Alliance keep asking for everything on Horde side, it seems like. They got blood elves on the alliance, now they have high elves on the alliance.

That’s fine, have fun with it, but Dark Rangers have been on Horde, as have Forsaken, and San’layn would fit with Horde above all for reasons I’ve already explained in my thread, no, not as some evil mooks as some people want to paint them since they have free will. Their story would be like Death Knights.



I fully support you many horde players ask for ogres from vanilla

I don’t mind Dark Ranger look personally.