Undead babies and children

Oxhorn gave us an idea of what we can expect undead babies (kinda…) to look like, although for comical purposes. It’s part of his Inventing Swear Words series.


Different games, movie, books, ect give different logic to zombies/undead. Some are “walking corpses”, some are “resurrected” and are like humans and others are a mix of both.

Hulk, look at Wiz from konosuba. Shes an undead litch that is seems to be 100% human. Shes still human but with undead spell powers and is affected by spells that affect indead. They even say shes still nice and warm (well, when lying on her lap). She also can blush, meaning there’s blood flow (or magic, can always be magic… lol)

On the flip side, look at world war z, zombie lands, left 4 dead, dead island, ect. They are all the “stranded zombie”. Rotting corpses that want to eat/kill you

Well yeah but the common denominator is that they’re dead, or sorta at least, and thus they can’t reproduce.

Do we know of any fictional novel or story where Undead can produce offspring? How is that logical, though?

Novel wise I can’t think of anything. Movie wise, Dawn of the Dead had a zombie baby born but the mother was already pregnant when she was bit by a zombie.

So possibly if the person was pregnant before being turned into a zombie or risen as Forsaken they could possibly still give birth to a zombie/Forsaken baby if needed for a story reason.

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points at Twilight

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Oh wow, that’s awesome! Didn’t even think of that.


Okay, you got me. touché

I’ll see myself out xD

Lore wise, even if the zombie/Forsaken gave birth the baby would be the only child born to them because again, they can’t reproduce.

But with the scenario of someone being pregnant and then becoming a zombie/Forsaken you could debate at one point a zombie baby could have occurred but whose whereabouts are unknown.

as i said above, wiz can probably. also a few anime “zombie girls” have been known to

zombie has changed alot. it used to be just rotten corpse walking around eating brains, now it can be anything from that to a person they died “but got better”