Undead babies and children

Where are they?

Beginning part of Sylvanas’ plotline.

You just described it…


I feel like they’d be easy enough to sew together. Wouldn’t require much material at all!


I know this is a troll but whatever…

You learn in legion that undead cant reproduce.


Abominations are a thing.

Abominations are not Undead. gg

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If that’s the case then they’d just be forever babies!

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You are the baby when you create an undead char. You are just risen, brought back to life, in short you were just born/re-born.

They are training with the lich-king since they are born. They are taken from their mothers at birth : (

Icecrown Bulwark Walls need a fresh coat of paint.
Wiggles toes

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But… but… my mouse cursor says they are when I hover over them. Is my mouse trying to trick me again? It did that before on Amazon (which is how I got things I’m not allowed to discuss here).



Undead is loosley defined. Having a baby shaped abomination would qualify as undead in some definitions.

I never said they do. Also not a troll, clearly undead.

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rushes to the cookie tray and wiggles toes

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I’ve understood undead to mean more than just “a creature that was once alive and is now not alive, but also not dead.” Abominations are parts of other things, yeah, but they very much embody ‘undead’: they’re not living (humanoid), they’re not an elemental (conjured from death realm). They are made animate by necrotic powers, which I think is a base-level requirement of being considered undead.

Probably still struggling to fight their way out of the dirt in Northrend. Babies aren’t very strong and that’s some cold ground.

Everywhere else it either took direct effort to raise the dead, or they were raised in a battlefield. Not many babies in either situation.

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I dig the name in reference to the topic


With the lack of undead children in wc3 onwards, we can only assume dead children are not raised by the scourge to fight but rather used to build flesh constructs like abominations. That would be the lore reason. Rl reason is probably something like not displaying dead/killable children in game. The only undead child I can think of in game is timmy from wc3 and that only uses a normal ghoul model

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Undead can’t have kids and kids probably couldn’t survive being raised as undead. Therefore, no undead kids.

Oh wait, that can’t be true. There’s Lily.

Andorhal grain arrives.
Grandma grinds it into flour and makes cookies.
Grandkids eat the cookies.
Boom, Undead Grandkids.

Getting this in before Blizz decides to retcon the andorhal grain thing with the rest of Arthas’ story and role.

Their parts are used in the making of abominations

The Scourge had little use for undead children, their bodies were too small and weak to properly fight.

Instead their corpses were used as spare materials to reinforce larger creations such as abominations.

The cult of the damned also attempted to capture women and children alive to create Thaddeus the flesh titan, not sure why they were kept alive in naxxramas up until stitching time but that’s what happened.

I guess you could create a undead in the form of a child with a simple mind or bind the soul of another being in it to make a “child” that’s more intelligent.