Undead babies and children

I’m probably misremembering but I think there was an illustration that went with either a story about the Headless Horseman before he went mad or Arthas were it showed a village that had eaten the tainted grain and there was a zombie kid in it.

But it’s probably because of the ESRB T-rating that zombie kids can’t exist in-game. Though ghost children can exist in game, like Pamela Redpath, and Minecraft having zombie kids.

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I know that the Forsaken cannot reproduce, but I also don’t think the valkyrie rise any children.

They don’t have the cajones to include them.

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You will see them in seven days…

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op, get help…
preferably soon

The simple answer is that I ate all of them.


Your asking for a Undead kid? Why?

I think the OP is under some false assumption that an undead child will evolve over time instead of always being…just an undead child for all eternity. Either that or they have a really twisted view of parenting to need an eternal prop.

Certain soft body part parts have rotted out on undead/forsaken.




Undead adults cannot reproduce, but humanoid children can presumably be turned into Forsaken. The reason they are not in the game is probably because either they cannot survive the transformation, or the idea of losing a child is so terrible, that nobody wanted to put it into the game in that fashion.

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Sylvanas has no need of Children though.

Scourge would simply raise the kids as Ghouls as aesthetics are irrelevant!

Quite a few Ghouls are Kid sized!

Is this really something you have to “learn”?

I learned undead can’t form babbies in Van Helsing, whenever that came out. Pretty sure it was before WoW.

Whenever I think of Undead children, the part the Scourge use to create Thaddius is what first came to mind.

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No no - it’s the opposite. Supposing an infant or child who was killed by the plague and rose as undead would remain an undead child forever, OP is asking, “Where are all the children in Lordaeron who ought to be undead kids now?”


Same year, actually. WC3, which brought the Scourge to the franchise, was earlier.

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