I’m able to loot 2 of the treasure chests, but the one in the cave says “There Is No Loot”. I’ve reloaded, quit and restarted the game, rebooted, and dropped the quest and redone it several times while also doing all of those things.
I’ve spent an hour trying workarounds to fix the bug and it’s consistent, this cave treasure chest doesn’t work. On Thrall server. There are about 20 other people on the isle currently that are experiencing the same thing. No one on this instance can complete it.
Which gave me the idea to use group finder and get invited to another shard. Still doesn’t work. Quest is just broken.
Borked. Yay, how fun this is. No amount of tom tom pointing me to the top of the chest that says “There is no Loot” fixes this.
Yeah, it’s bugged. Got to one chest and it says that the spell is not learned when I try to open it. Go to another it says there is no loot available. Resetting the quest does not fix it.
I have the same issue. But this is my second character in the area. so I am wondering if it is tied to that?
I’m having the same issue with my Kul Tiran Druid on Frostmane. Super annoying.
Same issue on Garona as well
on illidan and having the same “no loot” issue with the chest
on Aman’thul and exact thing happening to me too
Don’t think so. I went for the first time today and it’s broken for me as well.
Same here too, hoping for a fix
FFS Blizzard
Hire and actually utilize quality assurance. I too am bricked because your higher ups don’t value QA.
Nope, its my first time there.
Also not working
Same. Not working. This is my first character in the zone.
Same here. was working earlier today.
Came here on my mage and did a lot of the other quests first and the storm event. Was only able to loot one chest other two said it’s empty. So I came back on my pally and did this quest FIRST and had no issues. So I recommend just do this quest soon as it pops up before other stuff.
Definitely bugged on my end, as well. Not in storm mode, with or without addons, survives being reloaded, logging out, and quitting.
I was able to complete this quest with one character (a BM Hunter) on Tuesday evening, but today on my Fire Mage it’s a no-go.
Edited to add: the one that is failing for me is the Vyrkul Graveyard. The other two I had completed on this character yesterday (I believe, definitely not today), so it’s just that one chest for me.
I’m having the same issue. I completed two of the sections yesterday. Today, however I can’t complete the Vrykul Graveyard.
I reveal the chest using the eye, but I get the error message “There is no loot”.
Yup, I’m on Area 52, “There is no loot”. Pretty lame.
Same issue here. Tried turning off all addons, zoned out then back in, war mode on and off, full restart. Complete bug on their end, flawless victory