Unchecked Hate Speech on my Server

Just report, and go on. As has been said a lot here. You never know the results of a report, and never will.

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then you’re incredibly foolish. no one is moderating or punishing racism. it’s not just in this game. give it time and blizzard will probably fire more people instead of hire people to help keep it in check.

Yeah true, no one should step up to hate speech because we gotta “Live and go about our lives” buddy, im a sous chef on quarantine what life am I living right now.

Let people have their opinions. As long as it’s not vile language or calling for violence who are you to tell people what they can say? Censorship as already gone too far, freedom of speech doesn’t mean “Freedom only if you say what I agree with”.

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Man you do you. Words just don’t offend me at all.


Your implication of my stance is offensive.

Well, when you’re defending something called “Hate Speech” by saying its not hateful

Not really implying anything, I’m directly quoting you


Freedom of speech also isn’t freedom from repercussions. You say vile, racist stuff, you should face repercussions, because racism is not just an opinion…


It’s not automated.

Welcome to how MG players feel.

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I guess I meant automated in the sense that it takes a certain amount of people to report in order to get a GMs attention.

This isn’t a first amendment issue.

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Wow the maturity is oozing out of this one.


Hateful, yes. Offensive to me personally? No.

Therefore I don’t care to police someone else’s speech.

All they’re doing is ostracising themselves from polite society and looking like an idiot to others.


Welcome to the internet. If you don’t like it, single player games await you.

They have stated that even one report can work, but yes the number of reports probably does push an issue up in the line so to speak. If it’s so vile though and players outside of the group are offended then the number of reports should logically be enough. It sounds like if it’s just going on and on that the server doesnt really care, but that doesnt mean they wont get to it eventually.

The problem is that if it takes a long while, they will probably only get a silence. Luckily, if I remember correctly, that means if they continue once it’s reset they are more likely to get another one more quickly.

The other issue is that anything in whispers or guild chat wont get multiple reports.


I dont think intolerance is restricted to one or two sites

A lot of these main perpetrators are often chat banned which is cool, but they use this to martyr themselves and bolster their followers to do the same, which is honestly really cringe.

Thats why their racist/transphobic attacks are mostly done in whispers now too, though they tempt the devil 24/7 in trade chat.

So if I don’t agree with what the OP says is hatespeech then I don’t agree with hatespeech? That’s quite implicative.

You’re being quite oppressive.

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Were they having a discussion about this? Because it is a very interesting point of discussion. The majority of Trans have Gender Dysphoria. A personality disorder, the confusion happens because the lines between a mental illness and a personality disorder are extremely blurred. Plenty of people with PsyD’s have had discussions on the topic and there is in many cases not the soundest of agreements. When it comes down to it though, the main consensus is that a mental illness is way worse than a personality disorder. A mental illness may effect your life in extreme ways. Things like Schizophrenia that can be extreme detriments to your daily life are examples of such. While personality disorders are still a big deal they don’t effect the person as much as how extreme an actual mental illness can be. Personally I agree with the assessment that Gender Dysphoria is a personality disorder and not a mental illness. But some may disagree, it’s a topic that is worth discussing.


Those were two examples, and Ive been told Reddit doesnt tolerate that anymore, which kind of validates my point.