Unbound Guild {H/A} Recruiting healer for Friday nights raids and keys!

6 bosses our first week.

Currently recruiting fun dps and hybrids. Full on tanks and heals for raiding but all classes welcome for social events and dungeons/mythics runs.

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Hi! Im a casual (ex-semicore from OE like 4 years ago) but getting back into the game. Would love to stay in Turalyon and order and I’m looking for a casual, friendly environment to ease myself back in, and Unbound looks like a good ticket. I’ll send you an in-game!

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Hi there fellow hunter. Unbound is open and welcome to all players. I am looking forward to you joining our family.

8/8 normal. Now to get that bow to drop.

8/8 normal, 2/8 Heroic. Still recruiting. Any questions contact me or any of the officers.

Our raid team is currently full. Still recruiting casual social players.

We are recruiting high dps for heroic raiding. Currently 5/8H. Whisper any officer for more details.

Make that 6/8H!

We are now 7/8 Heroic. Still looking for casual players. Also range dps (SP, Boomkin, Ele Shammy) for raids.

Unbound is still recruiting. One or two range dps needed for raids…any evokers?


Also looking for tanks and heals for M+.

Come on Rasz just die please. 2%!!!

if you can do 98%, you can do the other 2%

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8/8N 8/8H

Unbound is getting ready for the next season and raid. If interested, please contact me or an officer with any questions.

Unbound is recruiting for the upcoming raid. We currently need a healer with a dps offspec.

This season we are raiding one night only, Fridays from 830pm-1130pm server. Please ask to speak to an officer ingame if interested.

Anyone looking for a new home? We are a casual guild that raids one night a week.

We are also home to casual social players that prefer playing with others. We run dungeons, mythic +, weekly events and older content for mounts/mogs.

We ended season 1 AOTC.

We have a few spots open for raiders. We raid Friday only starting at 830pm server for 3 hours.

Currently: 9/9N and 5/9H

Unbound recruiting for social players. We raid one night a week and also run M+ nightly.

9/9N, 7/9H

One more to go for AOTC

9/9N, 8/9H

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