Unbelievable changes

It is a 38% nerf to another nerf that hasn’t even gone live to be tested on a backdrop of the spec already being the lowest ST by a LOT. Please explain how that is needed. My logs are easily 90th percentile and I am already starting to be bottom overall in M+ with those skills being UNCAPPED because our ST is THAT bad. These devs and anyone who agrees with them are clueless.


Then quit, you won’t be missed, I’m still not worried about the nerfs

As seen in another post, exactly right.


We are not the best aoe class in the game only in burst aoe.


I will miss him, so you are wrong about that too.


so even if it is a huge nerf, i guess blizzard just decided its not fury’s time to be strong

it’s not really that hard to see that blizzard often pushes certain specs to the top to change metas

Been sticking with fury for years and love the playstyle, but the DPS is just never on par with other classes. TWW was my first time really enjoying fury and feeling capable playing the class. Now every I see updates, it’s nerfing the class. Absolutely ridiculous.


Even though our AoE is worse than Ret, Frost DK, and Enhance with less utility right?

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At this point they eventually will make warriors drop 2 2 hand weps and make them fist fight mobs

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Only on fights where mobs that are aoe’d die before other classes have time to ramp up. which is why warriors are brought. if everyone has time to ramp up warriors fall off hard. so after these nerfs there really isn’t a reason to bring a warrior. in fights where classes can ramp their aoe we fall behind pretty hard.

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Well, guess blizzard just doesn’t want people playing fury right now then

Correct. What sane game developer disincentivizes players from playing a class in their game?


I knew I didn’t level unarmed combat to 400 back in 2008 for no reason, bring it on


Blizzard has a long history of it

And we are okay with this why?


Because people get mad when something is on top for too long, so blizzard obliges by making them bad

And since when that’s being the case of Fury or arms?


You say that like Fury has been good for an extended period of time. We were competitive in S3 DF, but far from tops. S4 DF was a strugglebus because they refused to tune up our grossly underpowered tier set (sound familiar?).

The only time we’ve been relevant in any recent memory is prepatch and early access when balancing was irrelevant and we were riding double 2-set.

Well looks like we are literally dead last on Boss Damage in Raids as of today.

We are behind Aug Evoker… a support class…let that sink in.

Middle of the pack in Aoe/Mythics which is fine, but if these nerfs pass, we will 100% drop to near bottom of the pile.

Give us SUSTAIN FFS. We drop off a cliff once mobs in mythics survive our burst and everybody else catches up quick.

Maybe Improved Whirlwind should cleave 65%/70%? instead of 55% it is now?
Need a buff on Bloodthirst/Raging Blow maybe 5-7%? Our single target is atrocious.

Even Critcake, a top warrior in the world, very sensible and doesn’t look too far past nerfs is now worried bad if these changes go live.


Post on main soy boy mage.