Unbelievable changes

These changes are terrible. They hurt us in M+ the most, where Fury is already underperforming compared to Ret, Frost DK, Assa Rogue, Enhance…

And this Arms change… that’s not even the right ability name. You were looking for “Warbreaker.” The intern you have making Warrior changes needs to do a bit more research first. I’m just demotivated to play the game anymore tbh


Hell of a Anniversary present eh? Considering that is why I decided to resub for awhile. I may have to reconsider that.


The devs 100% don’t even play the class. There’s no other excuse


Guess this guy over here thinks our AoE is over the top and it’s warranted


Yes, cause warrior is literally brought for their massive aoe

Okay, so now what should a dps warrior be brought for? A prot war can do everything fury and arms can and every other melee dps class can do as much dps while bringing more utility.


They’re not destroying the aoe, just calming it down

It was like 20% higher than the next on aoe situations

The aoe is the only thing that makes bringing a dps warrior valuable. Even in raid, bringing more than one is arguably worse than bringing other dps.


And? It was insanely high, it needed to be reigned in

Nuance is being missed though. While fury does have a good bursty damage profile with Bladestorm, Odyns fury and thunderous roar. Outside of those buttons our AoE is pretty poor, we have recieved multiple nerfs to all sources of our big AoE, without getting anything to balance out our sustain, where does this leave us? Decent burst, less than average sustain, poor single target. Why bring fury when ret does it all better?


You all act like it’s a crazy massive nerf, it’s not, I am not worried about my warrior

No, it didn’t. According to warcraft logs rn, in heroic nerub-ar, Arms is at 4th and Fury is at 10th overall. On damage to bosses, Arms remains at 4th while Fury is 23rd.

In M+, both fury and arms are currently in the bottom half of total scores. Fury being 18th and Arms being 25th out of 26 total dps specs.

Arms and Fury don’t need nerfs.


In aoe they do, I’m not worried

Pretty sure the devs are ret mains.

20yd range on almost everything, 12yd on wake of ashes, 30s cd class. actual support and utility, immunity, self healing that doesn’t require you to be in melee range and burn your primary defensive to do. Warrior was finally fun and good for like 3 seconds and blizzard could not stand it.
Arms is lost and has been for a while, blizzard doesn’t know what they want it to be, fury getting steadily nerfed beyond what it needed.
Fury aoe is all in that burst. After that we have nothing. If any of you actually did keys high enough to matter, you’d realize that. Yes, you pump a pack with bladestorm and all cds…then you do nothing and every other class catches, then passes you. then you probably don’t even have those cds for next pack because its all proc based to get bladestorm back.
Prot warrior is probably too strong, so I fully expect them to kneecap it somehow, probably by nerfing everything randomly because they don’t play the class.
Mountain Thane literally doesn’t even work properly for fury, you get no thunder blast procs from the enhanced version of bloodthirst from reckless abandon and running thane instead of slayer cripples the already mediocre single target significantly.
Every time I get a little faith in this company, they prove nothing has changed.


High AoE burst is clearly fury’s niche, or at least a reason to bring them, with that nerfed, what’s the point of bringing a DPS warrior to a key at all?

This is a troll anyway, no idea why I’m replying.


I’m not trolling lol, it’s not a huge nerf, it’s needed

Statistics say otherwise but I guess Nermans from Zul’Jin knows more about the game than actual warrior mains who push high content


I’m not worried, we were doing like 20%+ more in aoe

That’s above what they tend to like

Please stop exaggerating that number bro, we both know it’s wrong


They’ve literally been bringing fury to destroy adds cause our aoe is busted

That doesn’t mean they shouldn’t give st buffs