Unbanning compromised account and old information

I’ve been attempting to get access to an old account I had back in Vanilla/TBC, from what support says it has been unbanned and a reset email has been sent, but I’m almost 100% certain the information on the account is old and any way of getting access to the original email account is a no-go. Is there any way I can get support to update the information on the account so I can gain access? Submitting tickets has been extremely hit or miss and it seems like i’ve been talking to bots.

All you can do is submit a ticket. Also depends how long ago that account was banned and if it was documented as being compromised if not all the original logs do not get saved for very long.


You’ll need to send in a new ticket to update your email. You’ll need a email address that isn’t attached to a bnet account already. Make sure to reference the account and ticket numbers if you can’t reopen the other ticket.


I’ll try this and keep you posted. Its a shame that live chat isn’t available.

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Live chat is not for this type of thing! Like I said if this did not happen recently lets hope they documented that the account was compromised other wise you would have not much of a chance on getting it unbanned.


They responded via ticket, and all it managed to do was switch the email of my current account to a different email. This is wild.

They confirmed that the account was banned due to it being compromised - they unlocked it. The problem is that the account has old information.

Live chat would definitely be a solution to this thing, as it would’ve gotten it done in a quarter of the time.

I’m really trying hard to not be aggressive with Customer Support, as this is getting extremely frustrating.

Either way getting to deal with the account being banned due to being compromised is not something live chat is for! Why the big rush, just take a deep breath and it will get done.

It sounds like the account was compromised sometime ago and you left it like that with out taking action until now. That is not blizzards fault that happened, Also if it has been sometime any missing items they might not be able to recover due to logs being long gone.


My issue isn’t with the speed of the support, its with the lack of comprehension of what I’m asking for - despite being very detailed with what I’ve sent them.

Sometimes you can be too detailed and give more info than what is needed and it can be confusing.

Keep it simple and concise. Maybe that will help. Good luck


Always use KISS, keep it simple stupit


They get rather confused when you are talking about more than one account. You have to be crystal clear.

Reference Ticket# 12335 granted account recovery for [old email account name + Battletag if it has one]. I no longer have access to the email on that account so can’t log in. Please change that old account to email [new one not used for another Bnet]. Please also resend any login or password change instructions to that new email.

If you have a phone number to put on the account you can do that too, but you can only use a phone number on one Bnet account at a time.

I THINK that might be simple enough to give them the ticket chain for the old account, the reference info to find the old account name, an the email you want it changed to.


Pretty much.

Ticket should contain:

  • The actionable.
  • The problem.
  • The immediately relevant details.*

The Problem

I no longer have access to the email on that account so can’t log in.

The Detail

Reference Ticket# 12335 granted account recovery for [old email account name + Battletag if it has one].

It may also be something along the lines of “I’d like to regain access to X account. It was compromised a long time ago.

The Action

Please change that old account to email [new one not used for another Bnet]. Please also resend any login or password change instructions to that new email.


Attempted the simple approach, back at square one.

Its been close to a week since I’ve started attempting to recover this account, and with the constant volleyball of my ticket and the level of misunderstanding, I’m just going to consider it a loss.

I mean, shoot, I couldn’t even get a real customer service rep to respond to this post, just other players.

Thanks for the help everyone.

To be fair, that is what this forum is for, for players to assist other players and point them in the right direction. Support forum agents aren’t here 24/7 and a reply by them is never guaranteed.

Can you copy paste the exact ticket text you’ve been sending in, just get rid of any identifying info. That might help us help you in phrasing it better possibly.


Please check the new email you supplied for a password change.

This looks to have been a case of having difficulties locating the old account.