Unarmored Soul Eater Glad Mounts - For Fans of the Lore

I’ve spoken with some players that are not aware of this and I imagine there are more, so for any that may be reading this, the ‘soul eater’ gladiator mounts are literally the creatures from the face of Frostmourne:

Both they, and what little lore we know about them, are amazing.

Given their ties to Frostmourne itself, these mounts are the heritage of all death knights, very closely links them with Arthas, Frostmourne, and Shadowmourne – and all of the shadowlands. For those true fans of the lore from all the way back in Warcraft 3 (which Shadowlands’ story is intended to complete), these mounts mean the world to a great many of us. However, they are only available to an incredibly small portion of the community in the form of gladiator mounts:

Obviously the gladiator mounts are incredible, and gladiators have earned them in all their glorious armor. But as a counterargument, I’ve seen a few folks go so far as to comment on how it’s cool that gladiators get extremely unique mounts. I get that. The thing is though, these badass, armored versions of the gladiator soul eaters really will always be unique, no matter what other versions come out. But far beyond that, these soul eaters are way too important to way too many people. In other words, if Blizzard had released some sort of flying stygian monstrosity as gladiator flyers, everyone would be happy. However, they chose the very face of Frostmourne for the gladiator mounts, and having something like 0.01% of the population being the only people to attain them and then never again is just too much and too sad. Lifelong fans of Warcraft 3, Arthas, the Lich King, death knights, etc., and all our love over so many years would be perfectly rewarded with PvE attainable versions. Unarmored, flying soul eaters:

Much in the tradition of WoTLK releasing two different versions of the gladiator mount, armored and unarmored, this would also be a sort of soft throwback to that expansion, just like the engineering wormhole and a number of other nods to WoTLK that we see in Shadowlands. So this is certainly in the vain of how Blizzard does it.

To date, this has already garnered some interest on Twitter, so I thought I would post this here. I’m not sure how to better help give this a chance at happening than post this here and give folks an opportunity to speak up & like.


Yeah, yeah, they need to release unarmored bfa and sl drakes. I wonder if they had a change in philosophy or they’ll just come out later. Or maybe they both are armored versions of something from cut content.


For your wiki image links, go back and delete everything after the “.PNG” or they show up as broken images.

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Sure, but those weren’t the face and lore of Frostmourne itself!

Yep got it, thanks :+1:

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I would love the unarmored versions as mounts.


Based on your character pic I can absolutely understand why. The folks that got the duelist plate set especially are truly left without any kind of good mount to go with their gear. Honestly, a lot of the maw-gear we can get just don’t fit super well with the maw based mounts we have. Unarmored soul eaters would be exceptional additions.


Really not sure how to communicate with WoW Community leaders…can they be summoned like demons are by just invoking their names? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


@Halite https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/u/Halite-bonechewer

@Mornnah https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/dalaran/mornnah

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That is cool. I hadn’t realized that.

Thank you for sharing.

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Anytime. But I’m sure that’s why I’ve seen so many people have supported this idea on twitter; being a Warcraft lore nut, I honestly can’t say what kind of end-of-shadowlands mount reward folks would appreciate more. What do people love more than Frostmourne?

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As a lore fan, I am quite certain that the Primus’ plan for Frostmourne included the fusing and incorporation of these soul eater creatures (as well as the essences of these mawrats). They were clearly a part of the design, with the Primus drawing upon the essence of the Maw through these creatures to instill Frostmourne with its ‘soul eating’ capabilities, from the soul eaters. The cues through the art and lore are quite clear.

I really think we lore fans would appreciate little more than getting unarmored soul eater gladiator mounts.

I invite any thoughts.


Oof, being a lore fan in shadowlands must suck.
On topic, they are ugly as all hell, but i’m not opposed to see them as unarmored mounts.
Also, i’m pretty sure these ugly things were never a model for frostmourne or shadowmourne initially.

Reminds me of the issue with the armored unicorn mounts in Legion where 98% were Honor level only. There’s still a lot more recolors they could make non pvp related (I despise pvp). An unarmored one would of been perfect for the Sanctum achievement but we got a hand mount out of that instead, which isn’t all that great looking compared to the dragons :confused: Edit; meant Honor instead of Gladiator


Yeah; the hand mount is really creative imo but they just aren’t anywhere near as important/close to the lore as these soul eaters. There isn’t a lot of Frostmourne love specifically in Shadowlands (very unfortunately), which is why they would be such a perfect inclusion.

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Hm? Gladiator in Legion was the storm drakes, like from the Valarjar paragon cache. The unicorns come from honor level, which you can get from any form of pvp, including random battlegrounds.


I meant honor, idk what the hell I was thinking lmao. But yeah most of those storm drakes were tied to gladiator. It wouldn’t hurt to make more unarmored versions of gladiator stuff in general, having at least one non glad variant would be nice.


I’d hold out hope for a future SL timewalking event to have a soul eater on the vendor, but I know we’ll probably just end up getting yet another recolored frog.


Yep. It’s time to remove fomo from this game. It’s a game of collectors so every mount should be available to them.


What they should do is to mix up KSM and Gladiator mounts for different seasons. S1 you get death elemental from KSM and soul eater from Glad. S2 you get soul eater from KSM and death elemental from Glad. I’d be happy to get soul eater from pve but not pvp. Try competing against seasoned glad player when you’re casual pvper. Ain’t happening. Too bad this is the end of expansion, maybe this could be a thing for the next one?


A person who could get glad literally has no barrier to get ksm. All they have to do is help 1-2 people in their guild to get their elite set, and then said PvErs wouldn’t mind to have them tag along in keys.

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