Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

Good thing I’m rolling undead warlock, I won’t let your garbage decision making screw me over blizzard.

Haha yes! Since they didn’t seem to be paying attention to us on the forums I figured if I was serious about it I should put in more effort than just posting here :stuck_out_tongue: I’ve never posted links here, hopefully this works.



Thanks for posting the link for Classicast… and I’m still baffled at their reasoning. Why not add the mounts in phase 2 or 3? Why not make them permanent options? This has all been stated here multiple times, so why wouldn’t you even consider those alternatives?

Lastly, Blizz, you seriously need to come up with a better excuse than “the team is worried we would level too fast and not enjoy the game.” You’re cutting content out of concern for how the players will play, that has to be some of the worst reasoning I’ve ever heard.

#nochanges… Uh, except when it’s to prevent people from leveling too fast.


very cool raptor head, Hetu!

That this is the excuse makes me want to nerdrage a bit.



Thanks, it was actually pretty fun to make. I like making Halloween costume stuff anyhow, so I had some materials on hand.


It’d be nice if blizzard would give more attention to passionate fans like yourself vs. streamers


It is honestly ridiculous.

To use “we don’t want to rush to 60 to get the mounts” as a valid reasoning for not putting in the mounts is basically just saying “if we can’t have them neither can you”. This is clearly a move that was made out of spite towards anyone who was planning on getting these mounts. We all play at are own pace, but your pace should not affect how I or others play the game. If you aren’t full raid gear by the time AQ comes around will you ask them to pull the black qiraji battle tank just because “I didn’t want to be rushed to get the gear needed to complete the quest chain”?

I myself am planning on rushing to level 60 and farming the thousand gold then taking a picture just to show blizzard I have the gold to buy the mounts and I hope others feel and do the same.


Idk why any of us are surprised really… blizzard had to be literally forced into making classic.

They are the fun police… no matter what they will always do at least one thing that makes absolutely no sense and contributes absolutely nothing. In this case it’s micromanaging it’s playerbase and pissing them off.

2019 blizzard makes pet battle dungeons… and you can’t have a mount that was removed from the game 14 YEARS AGO because some old man deemed it so based purely in assumptions that were reached after a 15 minutes conversation in the office. Protect us old man! You know best! That’s how I like to play!!! Nice and EZ runnin every dungeon.

Well that’s not how I like to play. But what can we do really? They don’t care… and even though they KNOW we care… all to protect retail mount collecting tourists… what a shame.


less than three hours until classic launches. Hopefully this whole thing will be a massive troll by the devs. If not, I can definitely see there being a lot of outrage once players start hitting 60 and start wondering where their mounts are.

You should be well past the bargaining stage by now. Time to accept it and move on. It’s not that big of a deal.

It’s not about stages or grieving. It’s about asking for something that was a part of the game and should be in the game.


And they’ve said it’s not going to be. If you’re still posting stuff like “hopefully it’s an elaborate troll!” That’s 100% grieving. Is it disappointing? Yeah, but it’s really not that big of a deal in the long run.

I didn’t post that… nor do I think that it’s an elaborate troll. I do however believe that if we continue to ask and continue to promote these mounts that they could possibly be added in the future.

Look at where we are today… this is literally a product of people being rejected for a decade… culminating in them essentially getting what they want. I will not give up… I am not grieving… it’s a video game.


Maybe after a decade of asking along with a petition signed by hundreds of thousands of players and a Blizzard need to provide those mounts to protect their IP against claims of “abandonware”, you will get what you want.

That is what it took to get Classic made, after all.

You’re super sad. Hope you know that. And I really hope you grow up one day. If not physically, at least mentally.


Hey its me!

I am so close to my first gold, 999 to go!


Dude, your saving like a madman, I can’t break 50s, Shaman feels like I have to buy all of my skills so far.

  • Dimitra

Approaching level 40 with only 60g to my name. Dunno if I’m gonna make it to 100 D:


Gimping myself in the spells department and still didnt get to 1g until level 18 … I cant not buy thread and salt or id be nekkid. Since i hit that first gold nearly doubled it in less than a level so hoping to start a trend :slight_smile:

Good luck all hope youre having lots of fun!

( had to make a sigh macro for use each time i pass one of those white unarmored beauties )


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found 3 more white stallions in the game, 2 stabled outside Scarlet Monastery, and 1 stabled at Northwatch Hold in the Barrens.