Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

Nothing about classic will make everybody happy, but why remove a unique feature of classic. Those mounts on live are among the rarest mounts in the game and carry meaning. They’ll still have meaning in classic for those that chose to get them.

Also lets be clear, I have no plans of obtaining any of these mounts. However, I think its fair to allow those that want them a chance to get them. I’ll be ally and I think all the original ally mounts aren’t worth it. The horde ones are nice though.


You said it would make everyone happy. Your words, not mine. It’s also not a feature, it was a bug. The bug was removed with a fix - epic mounts that aren’t reskins.

And they wouldn’t have the same meaning on Classic. They would simply be a known limited time reward meant to incentive players to take the game at a faster pace than they would like to. You can’t recreate the history of retail in Classic.

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Who cares an MMORPG is all about choice. You act like its a negative to get to 60 fast, you can still go back and explore all the content you want or do w/e quests you want but far easier at max level.

Bliz should allow players who want to get them a chance to be able to do it. If remove stuff like this, you’re just turning classic into retail where everybody gets a participation medal


Actually limited time rewards are pretty much a mainstay of retail. There were very few in Vanilla, and they were only for the exceedingly hardcore. Now we have AOTC, Magetower, etc. :sweat_smile:

Some things are time gated, true. When those tinegated things are implemented, though, they will be implemented in their 1.12 version.

Epic mounts are being implemented day 1, in their 1.12 version.

Blizzard you gave in to the minorities who screamed the loudest already… its why we have bfa…

Dont do it again. Just ignore these unarmoured mount whingers.

I started early 05 and am all for armoured mounts. Their finished state. Their intended state.

Honestly, at this stage I hardly care either way but ask yourself, if this were about another issue that you cared about and the reason given was “this is how I like to play so you should too” would that be enough for you?

What else is going to eventually be shoehorned in with a lame reason like that? Slippery slope, friends. You might hate the unarmored mounts and not want them in, fair enough, but at least some of you have recognized that the reason given is the start of a bad trend.


Regardless of how you feel about the mounts the reasoning they gave for not including them is as bad as the reasoning for 1.12 av. They are trying to tell us what is best for us. Its literally the “you think you do but you dont” argument rehashed. You called them out in that thread why are you licking boots now?


I did not realize that expecting consistency was “licking boots”.

Blizzard chose to use the 1.12 version of things that changed during vanilla over a “frankenpatch”.

That should, IMO, include the 1.12 version of epic mounts.

Thats why I expected consistency from you. You literally turned into a scorned salty version of yourself. When they tried this same reasoning for av you rightfully called it out or but now that you didnt get what you want your gonna try to argue against unarmored mounts even though you really dont care either way. Your just using it as a way to “get back” at the people that railed against 1.x av. Its pretty sad.


Contradicting yourself. Clarity of wording.

How could there be a feature to trade them in in 1.12 if they were not present?

I know what you mean to say, but you didn’t say it.

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Cry me a river. The average age of classic players is going to be ancient. We’re capable of making our own choices without Blizzard protecting us from the harsh realities of virtual life.

As someone who is also supporting old AV he is really confusing to me. Why spend so much time wallowing in bitterness rather than putting some effort into supporting a previous AV patch?


My account was suspended as well for 4 days so thats why I stopped posting. Rob has put out really great points in this thread. As per usual, the trolls are still going strong.


I have a family, including a newborn. I’d rather not have to feel rushed to 60 to get a limited time reward. Sorry. Yes, it is a big pressure, it would be one of the only limited time rewards if Classic remains unchanged besides the scepter and battle tank. The entire reason people play WoW so much is because the game is designed to push you to collect rewards.

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So just because you can’t get something you don’t want anyone else to? Should they also remove pvp rankings to make you feel better because you can’t commit 12 hours a day? The game used to be full of things not everyone got, and that was fine.

Whether I fail to get them or not I want the mounts to be in the game. I want to be able to try. I want to be able to see other people riding around on them the way it used to be.


What a lot of people forget is that THIS is exactly what Classic is. Everything was a grind, a huge investment, a lot of effort. Catering to casuals resulted in retail.


I’m fine with with really hard to get rewards. I’m never going to get Scarab Lord or High Warlord. Neither are most people. They’re for a few very dedicated players per server. What I take issue with are limited time rewards that essentially any one can get if they play more than they should. Rewards designed for everyone, to get us to login and play the game at a set pace.

No, Vanilla was for casuals. In Vanilla, leveling was the game. The endgame was more of an afterthought; the PvP endgame was essentially nonexistent. If you look at TBC, the endgame was much more fleshed out and there were many more activities for a variety of different endgame subgroups. This was one of the biggest improvements TBC brought to the table.

The extremely long grinds, like Wintersaber, Scepter, etc. where there for only the most dedicated of players. You have to remember that millions of people were playing the game. Only a very, very small handful were going for these long distance goals. The rest were content to level, and PvP well before 60.

Adding the unfinished mounts as a limited time reward would essentially take a very niche piece of Vanilla, and turn it into a major grind motivator for these casual players. This is completely out of line with how Vanilla went down. It would be a massive change.

So does your issue with exclusivity extend to the collector edition pets? Since they were limited time things that will be in game and effect gameplay about as much as unarmored mounts? Your and blizzards reasoning that they dont want people to rush to level 60 makes no sense. How is that different from you think you want to level to 60 fast for the mount but you dont, trust us we know what’s best for you. Also if you didnt make it your not emotionally equipped as a human to deal with not getting them. Im sorry but i dont buy that patronizing excuse for why they won’t put them in. Since they have time limits on mounts, gear ect… in bfa. So why don’t they care about those people racing through content to get rep or whatever for those rewards?


Yes, we don’t want BfA. We want Vanilla. Blizzard started adding time limited rewards to draw subs. If you aren’t subbed, you can’t get this great thing. Please come back and play.

Vanilla was great because it was a good game. it didn’t need limited time rewards knocking at your door to get you to play. It was about the journey. We don’t’ need that stuff.

I don’t think it’s a good idea to add them in. Adds a whole can of worms - now everyone is going to want their exclusives back and Blizzard isn’t going to do it. They got their reward back in Vanilla, and they still are getting that reward paid out in retail.

Classic is supposed to be a museum, which means you can come at any time. There’s no stress to get to 60 before the next xpac. Adding the mounts would defeat the whole purpose of the thing.

Plus, the Vanilla devs didn’t want them. I want the version of the Vanilla the Vanilla devs would be the proudest to show people. I think Blizzard did a really great job of that. We’re getting the epic mounts. The ones in 1.12.