Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

we should get the green mechano this time around…

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Then why cant people go into naxx in the first phase? If its the most “complete” then why can’t you go into a warsong gulch in the first phase? Also the mounts were in 1.12 and they are still in bfa. Im stating that to show that what patch they are using has no bearing on the content that will be available since they are choosing what to add and when. Since the unarmored mounts were in game just not purchasable it doesnt go against any of their rules to make them available. Also on top of all that the fact that you like to use blizzards own words they said why they wont put them in and it has nothing to do with what you said only with the fact that they dont want people to rush the leveling process.


Then you have your answer. They don’t want people to rush.

The answer is no, you can’t have unarmored mounts. Blizzdaddy has spoken.


Then why do you feel the need to put words in blizzards mouth when they’ve already said why? Also I can see blizzards words and why they dont want to do them and still say its bs. You can cuddle up next to blizzdaddy if you want. I’ll be here calling them out when I think they are bullsh!tting us. Like i said I wouldnt mind them in game. I like the armored skeletal horses and raptors better myself and those are the mounts ill be getting . If they aren’t put in not the biggest deal to me. I just want them to start talking straight instead of giving us reasons that that don’t make sense and telling us its for our own good. Just like the excuse for av. Its the you think you do but you dont mindset.


I don’t see how blizzard is not talking straight. They clearly stated why. It does not matter what you think about their reason. They stayed why.


Re: Pally quest for epic mount. People who say that Pallys get their mounts for free have no idea what they are talking about. It costs almost as much gold and is a lot more trouble.

But worth it!

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It does matter if they are making decisions by using the logic that oh 1.5 av is too hard for people or people will get their feelings hurt if they cant get the unarmored mounts in time. But when it comes to other areas they don’t mind it would be nice to have some consistency. I don’t like the whole we should tell them how to have fun and not to level too fast. That goes to the whole smug you “think you do but you dont” attitude and them trying to tell us its for our own good. Thats my problem. Also like i said I heard their reason why and think its bs. I will post to let them know how I feel they can choose to disregard it or not.


I’m with you, Robfried. Its no different than “you think you do but you don’t” and thankfully we didn’t accept than answer.


Check out my Think you do but you don’t topic

And that really doesn’t matter since the reason given for excluding them has no mention of patches or timelines. They stated doing this will prevent the rush mentality.
You and everyone else arguing about 1.12 go ahead and build your sandcastles near the waterline.


Our castles are made of reinforced polymer which does not break nor rust. :european_castle:

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Right, it’s to prevent rushing and yet you have been arguing the 1.12 patch.
No offense but I feel like you are just here to stir the pot .


You can’t offend me. I have the Thick Hide talent IRL. :sunglasses:

They do not want us rushing, which is also the reason for time gating raid and BG release. That in no way is patch progression. And we are playing 1.12, in which the finished game existed. Unarmored mounts were unfinished content that was fixed by 1.12.

Even if I was stirring the pot, which I’m not, this thread would dead for lack of bumpage. Is this thread just supposed to be an echo chamber for the few posters who care about unarmored mounts?

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If we are playing 1.12 then, for example, Arathi Basin would be in the game at launch right? After all it was introduced in 1.7.
No, we are not experiencing a static 1.12 game.


Already covered that. This is time gating, not patch progression.

Aye, so it is. But unarmored mounts can’t be gated in as well because… reasons… and a buggered one at that.


Unarmored mounts should be offer in p1 only, then removed in p2. Easy solution, makes everybody happy.


Lots of people would not only be unhappy, but have to make a choice they didn’t have to make in Vanilla, and feel pressured to get to 60. Classic is supposed to let people take Vanilla at its own pace because it’s not going anywhere.

I’d rather make my own choice on something that was in nila, than let bliz make it for me.


I respect your opinion, but it would not make everyone happy, nor would it be more authentic than keeping it out and getting a “definitive” version of Vanilla without the things the Vanilla dev’s didn’t want to be in the game.