Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

While this may be true, there is still yet to be seen; a good argument as to why they shouldn’t be in the game.

As I said on the original Shimy thread, it would make sense. But now that they’ve announced the systems model, it’s not going to happen.

Vendors are set to their 1.12 state excluding items that have not yet been released. That means armored mounts.

Ehh, I’ve seen Blizzard surprise their fans in the past. It would actually not surprise me if they did again. If they are going to “stick to their guns” objectively this would be damaging for the game as a whole concerning these mounts and Epic AV.

If classic isn’t what their fans want, then how long before private servers pop up with no CRBG, Epic AV, and additional continent that classic has specifically left out? The data will be available, and much more accurate.


Lol, they’re not going to change AV. Best you’ll get is regular weekend events.

Highly welcomed, if there can be weekend events, why not a choice when queing permanently?

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With CRBGs, they probably could. The original discussion on that assumed that CRBGs would come in CP6, so there would only be one or two AV’s on a given server at any time anyway.

When there’s a will, there’s a way… Where is your grit Blizzard?

This is honestly my fear, as once the classic code is out there, I can already see Pservers making a list of things the community asked for to help keep Classic authentic, but Blizz said “NO” to, and then Pservers actually fix these issues.

What do you think might happen in this scenario?


A lot of Pservers commited to shutting down with the stipulation that Blizzard would make a satisfactory version of Vanilla. I suppose you could take a look at EverQuest, which as it’s own Private server, and Progression servers run by the company that owns the game now. The Progression servers are very popular, but they keep making weird changes with each new iteration to try to entice people to play. The P server has a pretty stable population of people not interested in putting up with the game company. EverQuest is FAR less popular than WoW is, but I think it shows how people will continue to play on Pservers if the product is not what they are looking for.


Plus, you know, Pservers are free…


Pretty much what Hetu said, if you’re asking regarding Blizzard post private servers popping up… Well I think the damage is done, Blizzard would have to cave and implement the mounts(now unauthentic), Epic AV, and admit they were wrong. They could “stick to their guns” and continue to hemorrhage their sub numbers while spending more resources to try and “stop” P-servers. All in all, it would be a severe case of Blizzard not learning from their mistakes all the while being “Proud”.

What a new and novel argument.

“If Blizzard does not implement my pet desire, they are stupid and will lose subs.”

We’ve never heard that before, right?

Think about it. Blizzard already has the retail players subbing. How many retail players do you think will unsub because Blizzard didn’t have umarmored mounts in an entirely different game? There may be a small number that do.

I’m just guessing, but I expect that most retail players will make their decision to sub or unsub based upon what happens in retail, not Classic.

I think it far more likely that some players will not resin for Classic if they do not like what Blizzard gives us. What will Blizzard lose in that case? They don’t have those subs now, so will they really lose anything? They may not gain as many subs as they might like, but that does not necessarily equate to “hemoraging subs”.

IMO, it’s starting to look like Classic is not being made for “the fans”, but rather to protect their intellectual property. Providing a vanilla product, even if it is not what any of us would prefer, likely protects them from claims of “product abandonment”.

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Did they stick to that? Or are they relenting already.

That was always one of the reasons.

Interesting that you make it out to be my pet desire, I’ve already stated that its not something I will not play over.

Last I checked, they were hovering between 1.5mill and spiking up to 2.5mill in retail. Whilst relying on cash shop to meet quarterly demands.

We were never talking about retail. The success of Classic is something that means a great deal to me.

Predicting what has happened, and what can happen is what discussing this topic has lead to.

This is a sad notion, considering the potential to be had.

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I think that given Classic hasn’t launched yet, they may not have made the decision on whether or not to shut down. As far as I know some of the bigger private servers said that was their plan, but there’s lots of Pservers available now to pick from. The question will be how many will remain once Blizzard starts sending Cease and Desist letters. AFAIK the reason the biggest servers are in overseas countries is because Blizzard doesn’t have the legal manpower to force them to shut down like they do in the US. With Blizzard launching a Classic product, that might not be the case anymore. Who knows though, I’m not a laywer :slight_smile:

I’ve always felt that this was their initial goal.


With Classic launched, anywhere in the EU is an easy target, so they’ll have to move to places like Russia or Uganda.

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Yeah, I find that somewhat unlikely. In the case of EQ, there’s some deal between the Pserver and the game company. The game company uses a vaguely classic version of EQ as a cash cow with an in game shop, and the Real Vanilla right down to all the bugs, drop rates, item removals, etc. is left alone. With Classic being mostly spot on (IMO I guess) I don’t think there’s going to be room, legally, for the Pservers to continue. Them saying they will shut down is probably as much CYA as anything else.

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Did you even read my post before replying? Go back and read it. I specifically said “WITHIN VANILLA”.

Vanilla is not just 1.12. I hope you can understand that.


xth for give mounts
even though i wont get one