Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

can anyone find a company that hates it’s customers as much as ACTIVISION-blizzard ?? just wondering ??

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I am kind of getting really burned out. I’ve been posting almost every day for the past 2 months about the unarmored mounts. I have hundreds of posts (a lot of which were deleted in the previous thread). It seems no matter how good of an argument you put out, Blizzard will not care more. And I see other people are not posting anymore. Shimy I haven’t seen in over a week here. I guess they have accepted the stupid fact.


It’s probably less about not caring, and more about holding a line. Because if we get Unarmored Mounts, then they’ll have to hold DHKs off until CP3 and so on.

And? If enough people want that they should change it. If it existed within Vanilla and people want it back, they should bring it back. Are they making a game for themselves or for the fans? Which one is it? To me it seems like it’s the former.


It’s fine to be disappointed, but let’s avoid ridiculous hyperbole.

It’s clear at this point that final confirmation is going to come with the Stress Test. If the unarmored mounts aren’t on the vendors in the stress test, it’s safe to say it’s not happening.

I never thought about this, and a great point. Hopefully the delays for this stress test were due to exactly this, and an Epic AV option.


I haven’t given up, there just hasn’t been anything for me to say other than bump, and I dislike bumping for the sake of bumping. Rest assured, I’ll be sending my letter tomorrow morning. I don’t expect a reply, but I do hope, for at least a moment, they consider the implications of the game always feeling like it’s missing something.


My posting in general has slowed a bit. Partially due to being in a busy time, and because I feel that I’ve posted my perspective on this enough times here. I don’t have much to add at this point.
So I’ll just add this last.
Blizzard will most likely do as stated and leave the mounts out. Some folks will say they have decided not to “cave”.
I view this quite differently, I feel that they have already “caved”. They have decided to cater to the everyone must get a medal crowd ironically by giving no one a medal. No crushed feelings allowed!


So, if enough people want flying, they should change that too? Or if enough people want Guild Banks, slap them in?

They’re making a game for the people who want Classic WoW as it was at 1.12 because they can’t make everyone happy, so they’re making it accurate to history.

Oh? Odd, I have been here since vanilla beta and I cannot recall a single person asking specifically for a return to 1.12. They are making it mostly from 1.12 simply because it is the easiest thing for them to do and make money from.


Sure, but none of us are getting what we asked for, because that’s impossible, since in any crowd of 5 Classic fans, there are 7 opinions on what they should do.

What players want rarely factors into the decisions concerning classic. They could have spent some time behind the scenes to discuss what THEY thought were the best versions of vanilla aspects and cobble together an awesome frankenpatch of the best parts (in their minds). They did not choose 1.12 because it was the best patch. They chose it because it was the least work.

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Problem answered!

Can’t really compare Unarmored mounts that were in with guild banks and flying which didn’t get added until the expansion. I haven’t seen it said this is 1.12 museum or Classic 1.12 and that is not even the excuse Blizz provided.
Including the unarmored mounts would make it more authentic because in Vanilla people were riding around on unarmored lvl60 mounts, even on servers that opened after patch 1.4 folks could xfer with their unarmored mounts. So what the vendors didn’t sell them! 1.12 vendors are perfectly capable of selling unarmored mounts i’m sure its within their skill set! Anything from the era included in Classic is more content for us to enjoy in our long awaited museum. Since it’s not a 1 to 1 remake imo the unarmored mounts should just be permanently included as well as skelly carpets and toss in the occasional earlier iterations of AV. Most Vanilla content museum = best museum! Otherwise its like ordering and paying for Vanilla ice cream and being served Vanilla Lite frozen yogurt. You all deserve Full Fatty Vanilla Museum.


yea but how many people actually kept the unarmored mounts they are so scarcely seen (yes i know most have left the game since but even right after the armor mounts came i almost NEVER saw the unarmored ones on my server at least.

THAT being said i do hope you guys get this… i didn’t really care at first but i read a comment earlier but didn’t quote, but it was something like “imagine playing the game and something feeling like its missing always” i kinda get that since i would feel that same way if i didn’t get my mini diablo pet , thankfully i am :smiley: and i hope the murky people get their murloc pet too. it was basically still vanilla when that pet came into wow, why not let them have it too!


Dear Blizzard,

I’m not sure if my words are just going to fall on deaf ears like everyone else’ thus far but it would mean a tremendous amount to me, if you could include the unarmored mounts for the first phase or two. You see, my wife and I both met playing World of Warcraft back in 2005. We then married in 2010 and our 10th anniversary is just around the corner. One of her biggest regrets in retail, was missing the opportunity to get the White Raptor. She had the transparent ghost wolf from Duskwallow that was patched out, but she never had the White Raptor. Many years later, in two of the most popular emulated servers, we missed the amount of gold needed by just 40g and 20g respectively, before it was patched out. In both cases, after working so hard just to miss the mark, she stopped playing the game altogether leaving me to play WoW without her.

When WoW Classic was first announced in 2017, I figured that this was it, I would finally have one last opportunity and so I vowed to try my hardest to finally afford the mount that she never got, the White Raptor. Without it, I fear that I will once agai progress through World of Warcraft without her by my side. Please, hear our collective requests, and give me one last chance to get this mount for her.

While I know that you(Blizzard) ultimately control the game client, it’s really not up to you, or your team, to intentionally exclude such trivial content in order to try and get us to play the game the way you want us to. Without these nostalgic mounts being made available, at a time when all we had was MC and ONY, the game won’t feel like the true time-gated WoW Classic experience that you’re trying so hard to deliver. In all honesty, we should be able to play the game however we want to and if that means grinding endlessly to get an unarmored mount before it’s removed, because that’s what we desire, we should be able to.

Thank you.


Everyone progressed at their own pace back in those times and we never had any problems with unarmored mounts phasing out when they did. We had ample warning, we knew it was coming back then, so why not allow the same to take place again?

Many great suggestions on making this reality, just hoping Blizz will reconsider and give us our unarmored mounts, even if its just for 6 months or whatever.


Nail on the head, and I hope your wifey comes back to play Classic. Epic AV and Unarmored mounts are Vanilla, sticking to your guns, or the 1.12 cop out will truly taint Classic for your fans.


Blizzard, please, I beg of you. Please add unarmored mounts to vendors. If you don’t want to force people to rush the game, just add them for a prolonged time period or make them permanent, but much more expensive. It’s just that simple.


I really like all the positivity in the last posts. Less bickering, more sharing our stories of why these mounts are so dear to us.

Update on my package - I’m sending it in the next few hours, I just need to finish up some of my bribes. I’m sending a bouquet of black roses (fake flowers obviously, but I’m attaching a tag that looks like the items in game description :stuck_out_tongue: )