Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

I am here to bump this thread just like I have bumped the other one countless times. Shimmy where you at??


I despised Lord Baelish. But to stay on topic, I have no idea what an unarmored mount is. :slight_smile:

The winterspring saber has the same color and pattern today as it did in vanilla, right? Then it is unique, unarmored mounts or not, because its the only mount with that look.





Since someone brought up winterspring saber uniqueness, here is a comparison of it with two similar cat mounts.

Imo considering the rep hell you need to go through it’s pretty unique in its own right. Not to mention the striped is closer to it than the white,both also have more armour.


Oh look… Its totally different.


The logic of this is flawed, they were in the game but taken out… that’s like saying we should be able to get a Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider because it was “Once” in the game… or any other item that was at one point in the game. If you want an unarmored mount so bad, Rock the level 40 mounts at level 60. What a little run speed matter if you got a cool unarmored mount.


Bring back Foror’s Crate of Indestructable Gear! (Oh, wait, that was a wrath item…proceed.)

Not even the same thing. One was a fluke and the others were legit items in game. Although that mechanostrider is cool looking.


Ultimately, decisions have to be made about how best to re-create the Vanilla experience in Classic. It is impossible to wipe clean everyone’s memory of Vanilla and to delete its existence from the internet so that everyone can experience it for the first time again, and this creates problems like this one.

During the brief period of time the unarmored epic mounts were available, there was nothing special about them, they were not sought after, they were for all practical purposes placeholders. They became rare status symbols later on. Because everyone knows this, there is simply no way to re-create the authentic Vanilla experience, even if they are in the game .

I am someone who started around 1.8 (I think November 2005), and I was completely unaware of and ambivalent to the existence of unarmored epic mounts through the duration of my Vanilla experience. I just generally thought they were 60% mounts at a glance. Because of that, I don’t have much skin in the game.

It boils down to whether it does any kind of harm to the experience. It clearly does not . Having them available seems like the better of the two options in a situation where neither is truly Vanilla-like.


But the thing is we aren’t asking for a one time and only one ever made accidents like the mechanostrider. We are asking for mounts to be available that were available for everyone in Vanilla for a replicated experience from that time period.

People want the ability to be able to work for and earn these mounts, even if they are gone after the first phase.

(Small fun fact, that mechanostrider no longer exists because the owner tried to sell the account for money and blizzard removed it)


Never to see someone on an unarmored epic mount is not authentic and no need to tell us how you think we should level. At the very least maybe make them available to those whose account have them. I really would love a chance at that white stallion and will level the same with or without, as many others will for their own reasons. The reason they gave is the one people will remember if they come up with something different now and I really can’t think of a worse excuse. I think if they were “unfinished” or “unintended” they would just have converted all of them to armored versions.


I want an Ivory Raptor because I like how it looks. I don’t care about prestige, I don’t care if the mounts are in for the entirety of classic, I just want to ride around on my favorite model of a mount.


Just add them to vendors with x10 price. The price will make them rare enough, and people could save for their favourite mounts throughout the whole Classic lifespan without being forced to rush (as far as I know, that’s the main announced reason Blizzard devs are not adding it).

Actually I have a feeling, that Blizzard are considering the possibility of future transfer of Classic/TBC/WotLK characters to the modern version of WoW and are afraid that " Old School Ride" achievment will be neglected. Well, that’s the only more or less serious reason of not adding unarmored mounts I can think of. If they are so afraid of forcing people to rush the game, they just might add unarmored mounts permanently and it will solve the problem.


We need unarmored mounts in Classic. Just look at this beauty!


The armored horse mounts do look really stupid with those leg warmers. It’s like the artist who designed them was a Flashdance fanatic or something.

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He is perdy!!

I still like mine with LOT of armor!! Oh and I can’t wait for the epic quest and gold sink!!

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Not really. It’s to curb the amount of players that will explode when they find out this will be on limited duration.

The players that feel left out of the cool kids club since they didn’t get it.

It happens every single time Blizzard puts in anything that has limited duration to obtain or do. Legendary Cloak/Ring, Mage Tower Appearances-- We still get players Begging for this stuff to be added back to the game.


Buckle in, cause this is gonna be a long one.

I don’t even have to say anything here, you already made my argument, thanks. However, I would like to call attention out to those content patches you mentioned. They are leading us to 1.12 yes, but Blizzard decided to use these as a way to replicate earlier vanilla patches along the way. Because of that, would it not make sense to treat mounts like any other items and simply have the vendor inventory update at the appropriate time?

How horrible, two separate cases of players having more choices. Thank the light our lord and savior, Blizzard, stepped in to save us from this awful fate. Seriously though, how is “people will have to decide how they play the game” a bad thing?

But they were in vanilla, and are still in the game to this date.

If they were simply making a 1.12 simulator they never would have bothered with content phases to begin with. Blizzard has explicitly stated that classic is a recreation of vanilla. The suits in charge may have forced the devs to pare it down some, but that doesn’t mean we are only getting 1.12.

Except what Blizzard is doing in classic would be more akin to just having cavemen and leaving out the dinosaurs entirely (to use your metaphor).

They were in 1.12 though. They’re even in 8.2 still.

Unarmored mounts were removed from vendor tables in 1.4, they still existed in game. Also, having the unarmored mounts for a limited time at the beginning of classic would be #nochanges. You seem to think that no changes in about 1.12, but it’s actually about vanilla as a whole; it was created to be a kind of guiding principle to keep post vanilla changes out of classic, but anything that happened during vanilla was fair game.

Adding numbers for readability purposes.

  1. They were a “limited time reward” though. Just because people didn’t know that ahead of time doesn’t change the fact.
  2. Keeping them in permanently would be a change, but it solves Blizzard’s stated issue with unarmored mounts.
  3. So what if the armored mounts were kept out until the unarmored ones were removed? How is that an issue at all?

The entire point of no changes is to prevent post vanilla changes from making it into classic.

We should be able to get any item that was in vanilla at one point. Barring any items that were game breaking in some way of course.

Finally, @Fonzie, thanks for making a new megathread and for making a well written and reasoned post.


Please recall that internally Blizzard DID discuss the mounts and even stated it to the community (when the reason was given that they would rather we don’t rush).

Were they sticking to 1.12 as their be all and end all, this wouldn’t even have become a discussion for them and they wouldn’t have to come out with that particular statement. It would have been obvious and a solid wall. But their reason given offers hope of flexibility.

Ultimately it is their choice and not any of ours, pro or against. We can only tell them how we as consumers feel about their decisions, irrespective of which side we fall on, and see whether they change their minds or not. Either way I am grateful they are bringing the game back.


Wrong. We are playing 1.12, not 1.0 through 1.12. So your entire lengthy post was a complete waste of time. We are playing the “most complete version” of classic. Blizzard’s words, not mine.

No (unarmored) mounts 4 U! :sunglasses: