Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

When speaking with the WoW audience, which he was… and I do agree that Vanilla was casual comparatively to other MMO’s of the era. This isn’t true, as the intention was pretty blatantly comparing to WoW today. The hype a lot of returning fans have for Classic are hoping to go back to that era, which his post perfectly points out why the mounts should be in the game.

which his post perfectly points out why the mounts should be in the game.

All well and good, but it’s 100% historical revisionism to say.
Classic was the most casual mmo of its era on release and it was a purposeful decision by Blizzard to try and garner as large of a player base as possible.

Now it could be argued that the point of the new, modern iteration Classic is to cater to the hard core fans that have argued for and long petitioned for it’s revival. That would be a valid argument which doesn’t rely on revisionism, and would also be true by Blizzard’s own admission. Classic is for the fans.

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Absolutely, Classic is as quoted by them a love letter to us, the fans. I believe a majority here in this thread, are a bit upset that what we are getting, is not what we wanted. We’re the kids asking for chocolate chip, and them the parents only buying oatmeal raisin. (Hetu’s analogy.)

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I think it’s a great analogy if I say so myself :stuck_out_tongue:

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If the previous thread was anything like this thread, those 1300ish posts were from approximately 2 dozen customers.

Trying to paint it as anything more is a bit disingenuous, IMO.

24 subs > 25$, but continue belittling our numbers. The thread is hard to bump w/o you. The fact remains that those who are unaware, and don’t care either way wouldn’t post here. Those posting here, have remained vigilant even with your constant belittlement.

Of those not aware, or not having a horse in the race are for an authentic vanilla experience? Round trip comes back around to assuming that all those that petitioned for Vanilla were petitioning for the mounts as well.

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We all know what happens when you assume.

It would be an assumption to say the people asking for Vanilla were not asking for something that was part of vanilla.

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Was being unable to purchase those unarmored mounts from vendors not part of vanilla?

No, them not being available at all wasn’t part of Vanilla. Come on, you’re better than that.


This thread should be joined with that other hopeless cause, the Murky one.

Those mounts being perpetually sold by vendors was never part of vanilla. Those mounts being by vendors was never part of 1.12.

And as we’ve discussed, not everything is being instituted in it’s 1.12 state. Next.


We’re getting the game in the state that Blizzard has chosen to deliver it. Those old mounts aren’t there. That’s it. Finit. No amount of whining or crying over it will change it.

It’s not as if the customer gets to hold Blizzard to some rule of consistency.

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Hi Eaglesgift, welcome to the party. I don’t think most of the posts here could be constituted as whining and crying, although many could, for sure. That said, the “we’ll get what we get” mindset didn’t get us Classic.


When you get a couple hundred thousand people signing onto a petition for some cosmetic item, maybe Blizzard will care.

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Don’t worry, I super understand not reading the last 1300+ comments, but this has come up already. imo every last one of the people that asked for Classic were advocating for unarmored mounts since that was part of Vanilla, so as far as I’m concerned, there’s already that level of support.


How many won’t sub because the mounts aren’t there?

Everyone is unhappy about something. Most are thrilled to play Classic in the form Blizzard has chosen to offer it.


God forbid a player base make it known what they want included in the game. If it isn’t something you care about then that’s fine. You don’t have to support the idea. But posting this nonsense is a complete waste of your time and ours for reading it.


Very few, I suspect. I for one will sub no matter what because I am otherwise quite happy with the way Classic looked and felt when I was playing in the Beta. However If unarmored mounts aren’t part of the game, Classic will always feel like it’s missing something.

More importantly though, the reason they made the decision may color people’s opinion of the game moving forward. Small, seemingly innocuous changes like this eventually culminated in the Live version of the game. Will they make more changes like this with the same reasoning to mollify some groups for non-classic reasons? How long might will it take before those changes end up making us not want to play? Part of what we addressed earlier is that their stated reason for this change was not consistent with their other changes.