Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

Blizzard. I love you.
Remember all the good times?
With unarmored mounts?


Itā€™s a shame petitions are banned from the forums. It really hamstrings your ability to get your voice heard.

Anyway I think from reading the quote they see it as a deviation from Classic (excluding them), but feel that the ends justify the cause.

Maybe you should try a petition on reddit? I donā€™t know that this thread will be enough. I mean look how big the RP-PvP thread is and they still have no definitive answer.

Indeed, it is somewhat odd that there is no petition feature. Then, as far as Iā€™m aware, this forum is not advertised as a way for two way communication with Blizzard. That we got a blue response at all is a wonder.

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Iā€™ll second that.


That Blue that I quoted was dated Nov 18, so its been a while. Clearly talking with fans wasnā€™t something the higher ups wanted. Speculatory, but Ythinsen was laid off for some reason. Was watching Classicast with him as a guest, which is how I know heā€™s no longer with us. Heā€™ll be playing a Paladin, so Iā€™ll only ever have the chance to gank him. ^_~;

Should the true reasoning for the first removal of Unarmored Mounts Megathread 1.0 be censorship, which is entirely plausableā€¦ Given that an hour of scrolling through 1300 posts could be done by a moderator, would have been the best way to delete posts with links to the petition. Links being the violation of terms of service, not particularly a petition in itself.

I wonder, had Shimyā€™s link been a non-clickable one, would the entire thread have been deleted? Had Blizzard wanted our feedback regarding this issue, would they have deleted the ENTIRE thread over something clickable? Was it necessary to delete 1300 posts from passionate fans? When 25$ is all that it would cost you? Over estimating a moderatorā€™s hourly.

I understand why links are against the ToS, who wants to click on something they think will take them to the desired web page, when this forum promotes poor behavior, would invite children a mistaken way of ending up at a NSFW sight.

Blizzard, if you were going to censor 1300 posts, please manage it in a way that makes sense. Delete Shimyā€™s post with a placeholder of your own, and a cursory glance through the 1300 posts for another Link in other posts.

I hope Iā€™m wrong, if you canā€™t handle your customerā€™s feedback you really donā€™t have a chance going forward. The petition for the mounts is harmless, its amazing that we are getting classic because of a petition. Letā€™s hope that the game can capture long lost fans, and new potential fans alike.

Should Classic not be what X number of players are hoping for. How long before another Nostalrius realm(had time gated unarmored mounts btw) pops up for players that want epic AV battles, no RCR, and unarmored mounts? We asked for Vanilla, yet you still continue to ignore and do what you wish. How many subs do you want to lose?

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Here is where I do not understand Blizzā€™s logic.

If the average player will take 3-4 months to reach lvl 60, why is Blizz so ā€œconcernedā€ with giving players the option to go for the unarmored mounts?

Their reasoning feels misguided, as they are essentially speaking for the entire community when they make such statements as they did regarding their reasons for not putting them in.

This WAS a part of classic before, and if a player wants to take their time and take 6+ months to get a lvl 60, then that is on them. Why punish the rest of the community who fell in love with these unarmored mounts?

Essentially, Blizzā€™s mindset is caving to what? A very tiny amount of players who ā€œmightā€ complain that they donā€™t have the same opportunity as everyone else?

Since when did Blizz become a ā€œthin skinnedā€ company? If Blizz is determined to stick with their original answer as to why they are not putting in unarmored mounts, then they are setting a precedence and sending a message to the community that they are willing to cave into the very minor vocal minority of players instead of sticking to making classic and proper experience, which would INCLUDE giving the community an opportunity to get the unarmored mounts.

Here is to hoping that by some miracle they might reconsider.

Blizz, please please create a proper Poll for your classic community to take regarding this! It should never have been your decision without getting a real feel from the rest of us.

You want to prove you have changed over the years and want to stop making the same mistakes that is destroying retail? How about actually listening to your community for a change? I mean, REALLY listen??


Agreed. This is part of the reason for the way retail plays. Everyone must get a medal mentality and frankly it doesnā€™t belong in Classic.
We are getting 6 ā€œphasesā€. Iā€™m guessing they will be 2-3 months each. If the mounts are a temporary item, take them out at the end of phase 4. This is a 6-12 month period. Plenty of time for many people to have the opportunity to earn one if they wish.


Weā€™re likely to get smaller patches here and there too. They could probably remove them at 5.5 months anyhow, OR if they are worried about it making people rush to 60, they could make it slightly longer. 7-10 months then remove them? Either implement them alongside armored mounts, or put the quest in game that lets you switch from unarmored to armored. That would solve literally all the problems. Say droves of people get white raptors, but decide you know what, maybe they arenā€™t that special because everyone has oneā€¦ Whelp, those people can get their armored mounts just the same.


Very nice! More true to Vanilla as well. I like it.


I donā€™t think we will get them but I want them :slight_smile:

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@Dammrogue, nice twink!

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Alright guys, Iā€™ve drafted my letter to Blizzardā€¦ Now to figure out where to mail it. Should I include a bribe? Chocolates?


Yes, Iā€™ll do it as well. Flowers and unarmored horse/cat/raptor stuffed cuddle animal on my end.

131 Theory, Irvine CA 92617 seems like the safe bet, but at this point I may as well hand deliver on my way up towards my parents next week. Though they probably have gated security to keep the crazies like me away :open_mouth:

Watch them get added to the Blizzard Store lol

give mountsā€¦


add mounts the players want an authentic experience. isnā€™t this supposed to be a museum of sorts?


Very eloquent. Well said.


Yep, supposed to be a museum and not including the unarmored mounts makes it less authentic than any other option. Leaving them out for the sake of the pace that Blizz thinks we should level is about as anti classic an idea as i can come up with.
Classic museum is separate from retail and deserves the unarmored mounts for authenticity.
Unarmored mounts deserve to be represented in the museum.
Who wouldnā€™t want more options from the era to be included?


I wish it was. One has to wonder what the point is if it isnā€™t.


We get classic to make blizz some money and do away with private servers ā€¦ which some definitely had the unarmored mounts. How strange that is to me. Seems like a thing that would be easy to implement if they reconsider and since they changed their stance concerning other decisions Iā€™m keeping my hopes up yet!
:racehorse: For the Unarmored Mounts!