Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

I know you want to pretend I’m your archenemy in an effort to discredit me (very mature of you btw) but I’m not.

I don’t care either way if the old mounts make it in. I simply saw a utter nonsense claim made, and felt the need to point out that it was such.

Yes, that nonsense claim, admidst the sea of other nonsense claims. To be honest, I consider Fesz an ally in this, because he’s had to keep repeating the same 3 or 4 reasons why we shouldn’t have unarmored mounts, while the longer this conversation goes on, the more reasons end up being discovered for why we should have them. Bonus that he also keeps the thread bumped.


Exactly what Fesz says each time he runs into opposition he can’t refute. Interesting that you happened to be reading a thread in the midst of Fesz pushing his opposition’s thoughts off the screen. While only being here once before, to poke at Saebellia, who Fesz has quite the attraction to.

Tell me Arcano, since your opinion hasn’t been stated in this thread. Would you like unarmored mounts in the game or not? Will you continue evading the topic, much like your alter-egos?

Your last attempt to derail the thread was at-least regarding what you wanted: the mounts in the cash shop because it would aggravate responses from the sincere promoters of the mounts.

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I really don’t care either way about the mounts, and don’t have to prove anything to you, especially when you’ve already made up your mind.

Your last attempt to derail the thread was at-least regarding what you wanted: the mounts in the cash shop because it would aggravate responses from the sincere promoters of the mounts.

Are you just making crap up here? I’ve never said this.

You’re right, I’ve made up my mind regarding blizzard’s current stance, I am however open to being wrong, or open to a philosophical debate.

Arcano never has.

You know it’s honestly pathetic the level of tribalism you’re resorting to. I’ve never bad-mouthed the original mounts, nor advocated for their non-inclusion, but you’re so warlike that a person can’t even come into this thread and point out that hyperbole like

because almost all of us just assumed that obviously they would be part of the game.

is dumb without you flipping tables left and right.

For the record there’s no philosophical debate to have on the topic. It’s Blizz you need to convince, not Fez, but you won’t win converts to your cause with the hostile, tribal attitude.

Personally, having seen your attitude now, I hope they never make it in solely out of spite to you.

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It’s not unreasonable to say that most people who advocated for vanilla would have advocated for not removing things from vanilla.


You(Fesz) have never had an opinion, the platform that blizzard has given you is the real joke here.

Which you continue to cherry pick, Hetu has pointed out he said “Almost Everyone”. As it would give you a reason to nitpick. You even went so far as to bring up Strawman, again.

There have been at least 4 posters that have come in with similar language, mirror copy agenda’s, and have posted that they don’t care either way. With varying levels of obvious behavior.

You’re here to waste players time and effort on a subject they care about to illicit negative responses and bait them into wasting more time and effort, or worse a ban. You are a spiteful person, as you left with in your last post, and your last alter-ego’s post. While having 0 interest as stated, on the topic.

It’s not unreasonable to say that most people who advocated for vanilla would have advocated for not removing things from vanilla.

You’d be right, but it’s still a gross assumption to make. I’d wager it’s more likely most people never even considered the original mounts being added. They were removed fairly early after all. Either way you’re a much more reasonable individual than the other fanatic here, so I wish you sincere luck trying to change Blizz’s mind.

You(Fesz) have never had an opinion…

See this is why it’s a waste to speak with you. Anyone who comes to the thread and doesn’t immediately fellate your view point must be some sort of agent of your hated arch enemy. Grow up.

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Scroll up, there are 4 new posters that came in, hostile or not opposing that I gave the light of day, including you. Once again, the real joke is the platform Blizzard has given you.

You want to know why its a waste to speak with you? You’ve been here for 2 months, this thread and as stated by others the previous thread spewing one direction or another just to poke people in the feels.

Please continue bumping the thread, the real shame is if Blizzard is reading this, that they have to sift through 50% of pointless back and forth that has lead no where which we have to thank you for.

This is the whole reason(IMO) why Blizzard no longer posts in the forums. Not because of passionate fans that have opposing philosophies than them, they’ve asked us to be this way and to tell them! It’s the rats nest of you guys to try and decipher what is heartfelt, flammatory, trolling, or players that talk with themselves or dodge the topic all together.

I’d read your post, but you come out swinging right away with the baseless accusation that I’m an avatar of your dreaded boogeyman (fez).

So long as you persist in this delusion, I simply cannot waste time reading anything you write.

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You would dodge, to seek my attention.

For the mounts.

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(points at avatar) … :scream::scream::scream: … --------->>>

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Not to split hairs, but I’m not sure I can agree with what I said being characterized
as an assumption. The majority of posters who posted about the mounts prior to Blizzards announcement took issue with the mounts potentially being granted to Live accounts, which shows that people believed they would be in the game. After Blizzards announcement, the vast majority of posters have been either neutral or in favor of their implementation. So, me saying: “almost all of us” and “assumed that obviously they would be part of the game” - is at least reflected by the posters on the forum.

I could agree that most people probably never considered it, because I also didn’t consider it… because it was so obviously part of vanilla that it didn’t occur to me that blizzard wouldn’t put it in. I can’t agree that them being removed early having an impact on people’s awareness of them though, because the mounts remained after they couldn’t be bought any more, and if anything became more conspicuous afterwords.

That said, if you’re not actually fesz I’d be very, very surprised, but I’ll extend my apologies if you aren’t. You just happened to step in at the exact moment, after about a weeks worth of fesz bringing up the same tired arguments and receiving the same responses that shut him down, when there was suddenly a new idea to consider. When he would have nothing extra to say except leave the last rebuttal to his arguments as the last post… and you used the exact same kind of language that he tends to. It’s suspicious to say the least, but hey, if you can come up with a way to prove to me you aren’t fesz, I’ll buy you a pizza or something.


I can assure you sincerely I am not Fez. I don’t have an actual horse in the race for the original mounts. I simply popped in to the thread to read the most recent posts, and made a comment on the one that stuck out. I’ve done in once before.

If the mounts get in, that’s fine with me. If they don’t, it’s also fine. The thing is talking about things like the majority of posters is never indicative of an actual majority of people. It’s also an argumentum ad populum. Just because a bunch of people want something isn’t a good reason for its inclusion (though obviously that doesn’t really apply here, merely pointing out that that’s obviously not going to be enough to sway Blizz).

but hey, if you can come up with a way to prove to me you aren’t fesz, I’ll buy you a pizza or something.

Just check my achieves. I have vanilla titles which are account wide. I doubt he had them earned on the exact same day as me, if he has them at all.

Problematically, he keeps his account on private so we can’t actually view that :wink:


Well nothing I can do about that. I wanted to correct myself also.

When I say

Just because a bunch of people want something isn’t a good reason for its inclusion

I’m not trying to belittle your cause, just saying I don’t think this will work to sway Blizz. It hasn’t worked for Layering so far after all.

I can understand not going back to review the 1200+ posts in the thread, but that’s not actually what I’m arguing. When I say that most people envisioned classic with the unarmored mounts, I don’t mean that to be the reason why they should be included. I meant that as a counter to Fesz’s asinine demand that we spend a decade finding thousands of signatures in support of having unarmored mounts the same way there was that level of support for Classic. My response was that unarmored mounts already have that level of support because most people envisioned them when they thought about what Classic would have.

My arguments are slightly more nuanced:

1: Blizzard has stated emphatically that they want to recreate our sense of ownership in our characters, and the world as we knew it in classic. Unarmored mounts were part of that.

2: Blizzard is committed to implementing Classic as it was in many instances, down to things that seem like bugs (Quest icon disparity) or are almost game breaking (Tauren melee range). Taking out unarmored mounts doesn’t fit with this mindset.

3: Blizzard is on record saying that some items should not be implemented in their 1.12 form, and are going out of their way to update boss loot tables and vendor lists to reflect the change in items around patch 1.10. This shows that the “That’s how it was at 1.12” argument is actually variable.

4: Blizzard made a one off change to unarmored mounts for the stated reason of not wanting people to feel rushed. That goes against all the other things they have said regarding how they are running Classic.

5: Specifcally regarding Fesz’s argument, A petition for Classic is a petition for unarmored mounts.

6: Blizzard specifically said it expected it’s fans to call them out on anything that wasn’t right. And, well, this isn’t right :slight_smile:


These are all great points.

I think the elephant in the room so to speak is that to get the unarmored mounts put in you’ve got to be able to defeat Blizzard’s reasoning. Whatever some anti-mount guy says about why the mounts won’t be included is technically irrelevant because Blizz already said why they aren’t being put in.

I don’t have the exact blue post, but I believe it was because they wanted to avoid making it seem like a limited time offering that people felt obligated to rush for. This is the crux of it right here. To get unarmored mounts in, I think you’d need to somehow be able to change Blizz’s viewpoint on this.

It’s doable of course. Nothing is impossible. Personally though I don’t know how you would do it.

Edit: I managed to find the quote.

“We recently talked about this, and we were going back and forth for a little bit,” Birmingham said. "We pretty much committed at this point not to do that…

It sounds grim, but Blizz DID ask for player feedback. I think they’d change their mind with enough support.


That was exactly their reasoning, which I found unacceptable for the previously stated reasons. It’s worth noting that if they said “everything is in it’s 1.12 state” or something, you know, consistent, I would just accept it, provided they followed through on the reasoning over all. That’s been my major problem with it, is that they aren’t being internally consistent with their reasoning.

I’m hoping that this threads continued relevance at least makes them reconsider their stance. At this point, I don’t know if it’s possible to change it, but I’m considering handwriting and mailing them letters and this point. Perhaps a love letter. Maybe I’ll make it a haiku :stuck_out_tongue: