Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

They took a simple thing and turned it onto so much more. They could have deleted the post, edited it, gave a warning ect and this wouldnt even be a thing they deleted the whole thread and now we have the striesand effect.


At the core, with the other glaring issues Classic has right now, this isnā€™t even a worry.

Do you mean the mounts, or Classic? Kappa

By deleting it without addressing it. Wouldnā€™t be a big deal if it was standard practice, but there are plenty of ridiculously long threads full of whining that have been up for ages.

You truly have no idea what you just did with this statement. :rofl:


Ok. So you are angry and believe they mishandled a situation by deleting a thread that had countless forum CoC violations.

All I needed to know.

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If you actually read my original post that the tauren misread i said you were a shill then said actually your a troll. But go ahead and talk about this since you have nothing substantive to say on the mounts.

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Not angry. Being interested in a topic doesnā€™t mean you have to be a slavering zealot, contrary to what we see so often nowadays.

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So he is a troll because he does not agree with you and provided a reason why?

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Well where is the fun in that?

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Blizz made themselves look shady with how they handled it. Also what are the other coc violations that occured? Also every thread could be shut down based on coc violations since they are as transparent as a jug of milk.

Itā€™s more fun to save what sanity I have left. I have 3 teenagers who do their best to push me towards the loony bin, so I must remain vigilant to keep the head cool as much as possible. :stuck_out_tongue:

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As i said in the mega thread im not hung up on the mounts. The reasoning they gave for not implementing them is my problem. Same as the reasoning for 1.12 av.

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By deleting a thread with CoC violations when the CoC is posted right there for everyone to read. What is shady about enforcing oneā€™s own rules?

Many people completely agree with their reasoning. They donā€™t want people to feel rushed to 60 for an exclusive item. You can disagree with them, of course, but violating the CoC on the forums will never produce the results you want. I know this first hand. :grin:


Because they donā€™t enforce them across the board. Some rules apply to you only when you hold an opinion they donā€™t like it seems. Dont like 1.12 av ok as soon as you violate coc your done. Are you for 1.12 av? Yeah you get more leeway. Its shady. People are tired of getting zuckerberged.

The forums have been that way since the day they came out though. If people feel Zuckerberged they vote with their wallet. That is the ONLY thing that gets their attention.

And calling it out is a problem for you because?

I didnā€™t say it was a problem for me. Iā€™m all for a good righteous indignation cause. I do, however, know where it is going to end up. 404

My main problem with the reasoning is it comes off like they are trying to control what players do. If someone wants to spend launch rushing for the mount and gold farming that is their own initiative, they should be allowed to do it. People are already going to be rushing for early raiding, node farming and general competitiveness among other reasons.

Not to mention not everyone likes the slow path since there are players who have seen the leveling game already and just want to get to 60. It just feels arbitrary to lock the mounts away for this reason when so many people are going to be rushing anyways.


Then you get how this seems to give the impression you do.

ā€œBy deleting a thread with CoC violations when the CoC is posted right there for everyone to read. What is shady about enforcing oneā€™s own rules?ā€

I do. But blizzard is well within their rights to squelch it. Even if it a shady practice in some peopleā€™s minds, people are still throwing their money at them like there is no tomorrow. So why would they care, especially since they can control access to the information from those who donā€™t really care to see it anyway?

You will drive yourself crazy trying to crusade against blizz in their own back yard.