Unarmored Mounts Megathread 2.0

And they will still get the armored version? No one here is saying the unarmored will replace the armored version. But, hey, nice try :slight_smile:

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How will they? They will not be in classic.

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Lol toxic… how are you contributing to this conversation at all? Are you against the mount and why?

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??? There’s no reason they should be excluded. Already debunked Blizzard’s reasons and your reason was debunked a thousand times, but you keep on spamming the same thing.

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I’m neither here nor there about the mount. I’ve had it before, it’s simply cosmetic, there are more pressing issues like the way spell batching is working and hunter bugs. It would be a nice addition to have the unarmoured mounts, but Blizzard has made their obvious stance on the issue.

Move on.

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More toxicity coming from people who are purely against these to be contrarian, have provided no legitimate reasons as to why they should not be included. Please continue to solidify the stupidity of your opposition whilst simultaneously bumping the thread.

Already had the mount :ballot_box_with_check:

Doesn’t want people to be able to acquire it in classic :ballot_box_with_check:

Bitter and entitled previous mount owner confirmed


Obvious stance. In an interview on wowhead that probably almost no one knows about outside of us here in this thread that keep mentioning it to bring publicity. Please. It was swept under the rug because their reason is garbage.


Since you’re so pressed about the issue. Perhaps you should call Blizzard, send them an email or letter or visit their HQ?

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They already are excluded, and your opinion doesn’t debunk anything. You are trying to present your reasons as irrefutable fact but the problem is this is not a math equation, it is based on what blizzard wants.

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Wish that were possible, unfortunately this forum and twitter are the best medium of communication between the players and blizzard.

I don’t care if you think it’s a non issue… I care about this… I love these mounts. I will dedicate as much time to fighting for them as I can until we have a definitive answer from blizzard.

Will this keep me from playing classic? Absolutely not… But that doesn’t mean I can’t try to influence their decision making.


You’re a funny one, aren’t you?

If it was about what Blizzard wants, we would’ve gotten shared loot not only in raids, but in dungeons too. Player feedback was the reason that was removed.

If it was about what Blizzard wants, we wouldn’t have gotten German and French servers in the Europe which would’ve been catastrophic.

If it was about what Blizzard wants, we would’ve gotten the Sharding as it is in BfA instead of the updated Layering system provided by player feedback.

Keep trying. You’re entertaining me.


Exactly… and up until recently blizzard didn’t think vanilla was worth re releasing… WE had to convince them otherwise.

Blizzard has been wrong before, they are wrong on this issue too.


So I’ll put you down as “doesn’t care either way but thinks we should ask blizzard to completely alter their plans in regard to layering 50 days before launch”

That’s great, but it doesn’t make you right unless they change their mind. I hope they don’t.

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And I hope they do. There’s no reason not to want the unarmored mounts. You don’t want it? Great, here’s the armored version, leave us to use the “inferior” unarmored version you hate so much.

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There is plenty of reason not to want it. You just don’t agree with it. You’ve stated your opinions, but they are not fact and do not speak for everyone.

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It’s a fact. It’s something that will not interfere with your gameplay in any shape or form. I would’ve agreed if the unarmored mounts replaced the armored version, but that is not the case. So you trying to argue here with a non existing argument is futile.

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You have an original mount and you are arguing against them being included in classic lmfao

Blizz should take yours away for being so toxic


Come contrarians, bump the thread with your hollow arguments.