Unannounced Boomkin nerf does not feel good

That’s really the only thing that’s valid in this thread lol

So you just can’t understand the warcraftlogs data or are just being purposefully ignorant. Gotcha

That fury warrior “pvp” “kiter” “offtank” spec sure is low :skull:

You know despite the logs people that have played boomys for years are saying something is wrong and yes something is definitely wrong.

I killed an 85 ghost in TB, 2 more spawned and attacked me, I had to use starfall and my trees and still had to use a health pot before they were both dead. This is total BS I don’t care what class you play 2 normal mobs shouldn’t be that hard to kill. (and my druid is in the full bloodthirsty set)

Go play boomy for a week and come back and tell us how good they really are…

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“Despite the data that suggests otherwise, people just get bad vibes from boomy dps”


You must really suck at feral if you are worried about boomys.

“The data doesn’t support my position. You must just hate boomies and suck at feral” :skull:

What do you do after you wiped on a boss and have to start at zero?

Some say you are misquoting that data, go learn how to play feral and you won’t feel so threatened by us boomys :rofl:

I can feel the brain cells slipping away :skull:

Too late they left a long time ago :joy:

I don’t think it’s worth your time to respond. He’s using a N of 9 that contains a fury warrior with a green helm to make his point and ferals that contain off-tanking logs. He’s just having the appearance of being data driven when he is just being lazy.

And even if Boomies are not the absolute lowest on the logs, no real semi-hardcore guild would bring a fury/frost/arcane/subtely as core raid spots in T11, so he’s playing with sub par players skewing his bias.

Indeed, enough distraction lets refocus on fixing the issues with the change.

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Agreed the boomies don’t have to be the absolute last to have the point still stand. What sucks is this unannounced changed is pure gas lighting from Aggrend.
He claimed that there would be communication and also PTR before any changes occur in the live game.


“I’m not top dps. I’m within 1k dps of affliction and demo locks. This must be a bug” :skull:

The only valid point this thread has is lack of communication from Blizzard. The complaints about boomy dps are just screeching falsehoods because you can’t be bothered to understand log data.

still need more nerf !

We are unfortunately absolute last. The warcraft logs data only displays non-raiding specs, a spec with offtanks, and a spec that is used to kite on multiple fights as lower. Which leaves us as the lowest dps spec.

Thats fine. Someone has to be lowest, it is what it is. My issue is that a nerf is inappropriate. We all understand the intent but the effect is unfortunate and hasnt been communicated.

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Can blizzard give some type of communication?

I’d like to clarify that there is a separate issue from the matter of balance and the recent nerf. Choosing between being able to do decent damage on trash and prepping for a boss fight isn’t fun. Of course, there will always be some kind of tradeoff in these matters but the recent change has made it extreme - to a frustrating degree

Balance druid is not last. There are several specs below it.

Such incite, much wow.