Unannounced Boomkin nerf does not feel good

Yesterday’s patch included an uncommunicated nerf to boomkins, resetting eclipse power to 0 if entering a raid boss fight while in eclipse. I understand that this was to address a niche use of mechanics that would have been troublesome.

The change that was implemented feels bad to play with. Being nerfed while already the lowest single target dps raid spec does not feel good. Having to do very little trash dps in order to enter boss fights at high eclipse energy but not in eclipse does not feel good. The counterintuitive and punishing result of starting boss fights at 0 energy if one does enter boss fights in an eclipse does not feel good.

I couldnt find any official communication on this matter and really don’t know what to think about what will happen moving forward. Is there plans to compensate for this nerf and to find a solution that doesn’t further incentivize skipping trash dps?


it takes you all of 5 seconds to enter eclipse state, if that. You’re not the lowest single target spec. You can look at boomkin performances in the last day on warcraftlogs…

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Hopefully they start resetting warriors at zero rage next


5 seconds? current starfire cast time is 2.28 sec. generates 20 power. Time to 100, 11.4 seconds. It has more implications though. Not being able to snapshot for the opener like quite a few other classes can, being punished for being in eclipse for trash, incentivizing afk or lower trash damage in order to perform closer to prenerf on bosses. While we aren’t the absolute lowest, those lower are generally pvp specs. Regardless of whether or not we are dead last, it still feels awful for them to not only nerf one of the lowest performing specs, but do so without any explanation or announcement.


This. Especially after they said they would communicate and test stuff before doing changes, after the whole naturalist change got added and reverted:

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Stealing this :slight_smile:

Im looking at it right now. I cant share links here, but please navigate to Chimaeron (pure single target damage fight) statistics on warcraftlogs.

We are the lowest single target dps spec. The only specs registering below this in the statistics are fury warrior, which is not being played in raids due to being non-viable, and feral druid which is often being played as an offtank.

Feral dps doing so bad people think they’re all off tanks, sadge

No one thinks they are all offtanks. They seem to be in a low spot on dps right now as well, but the fact they people are building tank gear on them and flexing dps does impact the overall statistics. Pointing to frost mages, subtlety rogues, fury warriors, feral druids isn’t an excuse to ignore the impact of a nerf to an already underperforming spec.


i’m convinced. you have no ideal what you’re talking about.

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It’s doing better than feral on Chimeron…

You are also selectively picking one fight on HEROIC mode. Toggle the difficulty and boomy climbs, likely because not as many people heroic clear while playing boomy…it’s also week 2, the sample size is small…

Blizzard removed a degenerate mechanic. Balance is still fine. It’s not “the absolute worst dps”. Should other degenerate play be fixed? Yes. Are boomkins all doom and gloom with no hope? No. Your avg boomy player will perform on par with other casters when you play to their strengths. You dont have to top the meters on every single fight or be “the very best at chimeron”.

Welcome to what warriors had to deal with for 3/4 of the WotLK expansion.

You are not even that far off Affliction and Arms warriors on Chimeron Normal. And the variance of performance is massive for how a good boomy performs compared to a boomy that slams their face on the keyboard because starfall cant carry them anymore without thought.

Im looking at the overall data right now. Balance is the lowest dps spec.

Are you though?

Overall also doesn’t put boomy at the bottom.
For Normals:

For Heroics:

Yes, I am looking at it right now. You are misrepresenting the data. Your own link shows balance at the bottom.

So you are just trolling and don’t actually care to be honest on the subject, got it.

Everyone else can see the above links and can tell you are just being dishonest.

Im looking at the link you provided right now. The only specs shown below it are PvP specs, hunters - which are used to kite adds on multiple fights, significantly decreasing their average dps, and feral druids, which are used as offtanks in many raids, which also artificially decreases average raid dps.

Im sure you are aware of this. Boomkins are the lowest dps raid spec, as shown in your own link.

So feral is a pvp spec? Do you also not understand how to read that graph? just because a class is slightly lower in margins does not mean the potential of that class, when played well, is below other classes. Balance is middle of the road.

There was a comma there.

PvP specs,

Hunters which include kiters,

Feral druids which includes offtanks

The data that I referenced showed that Balance druids are not middle of the road, they are at the bottom. The data that you referenced showed that Balance druids are not middle of the road, they are at the bottom. Unless your next comment improves significantly in quality I won’t be responding further because you are misrepresenting the data and its wasting my time.


It’s honestly so toxic Blizzard did this without communicating at all.


he tried to do the same thing to me in another thread. I am curious how he will respond to what you posted.