Unable to use the Auction House

I restarted this account after considerable time off to play HC on the Horde side. Upon reaching level 10, I went to Undercity and attempted to post an auction of items I had gathered only to receive an error message that the function I was attempting to perform was disabled currently. There is no reason for this as Blizzard has readily taken my sub money and I am playing on an unrestricted (not SF) character. I would love to see this resolved immediately, but I know how slow responses are so now I wait. If anyone has experienced this situation and has a handy workaround, that knowledge would be appreciated. Thanks!

I would suggest you began by looking through recent threads. You post is number 111 on this matter :wink:

I see. I am not a forums user for the most part, and after a cursory look at the forums, I saw no threads on the subject. Maybe you could provide a link with your helpful suggestion? That would be something of value.

Here are the first few I found none of them older than a couple of days, so top 20 posts.

new accounts can’t use AH for 30 days :expressionless:

Thank you. I appreciate the info!

Is it 30 days sub time or 30 days /played?

The first.

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