I have an authenticator, I have the extra backpack spaces etc, but when I try to use LFG it says I need to progress to a higher level, I am already 15???
Do you mean group finder?
Lfg dungeons is different from group finder.
This and I believe Max level is required for group finder and custom text entries.
Lfg dungeon might be affected by Chromie time.
In order to use the group finder you’ll need to be max level.
You can otherwise use the Looking for Dungeon or Raid tool for dungeons/raids that you are of level for.
I am level 15 I am looking to use group finder for dungeon randoms? I have never had this issue before
These were changes in the recent patch. So it might have changed from the last time you used it.
Good point but if someone cant use the dungeon finder, whats the need in having it
You’ll only have access to dungeons you qualify for, based on your timeline. If you haven’t selected one of the timewalking campaigns with Chromie you’ll be set for the Battle for Azeroth expansion.
At level 15 you only have the Freehold dungeon available as far as I know and you should be able to select that dungeon manually through the tool.
If you visit Chromie in your capital city and select one of the timewalking campaigns, Portal to Outland (Burning Crusade) for example, you’ll have Blood Furnace, Hellfire Ramparts, Slave Pens and Underbog available.
so what timeline do I need to select to use the group finder for random , because selected ((which is what it shows now)) limits my X P from running
Technically, even if you have one dungeon available you should be able to sign up for random. It doesn’t seem to be working for Battle For Azeroth, which seems like a bug to me.
You only have Freehold open to start and can select that manually.
The Burning Crusade expansion has multiple dungeons open up immediately without having to unlock them (i.e. complete quests within the story to open the dungeon). Wrath of the Lich King has two dungeons open to start. Mists of Pandaria only have Temple of the Jade Serpent to start, Warlords of Draenor has two and Legion has multiple dungeons.
I think the option for another BFA dungeon to show up (and thus give you the ability to do randoms) will happen at level 16.
This is what it shows for my level 20 Zandalari:
This could definitely be a bug, but as far as I remember, random has never been available when only one dungeon is appropriate level. I think it makes sense, because if only one dungeon is available, it’s not really “random”.