Unable to upgrade ilvl gear at npcs

You’re linking a wowhead article that is quoting the blue post that is in this very thread?

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lmao inception style

Why on Earth would you allow this to go on all night? Restart the realms ASAP, in my opinion.


I wonder what variable or function was altered in such a way as to break the whole upgrade system…

And why Blizzard wouldn’t bug test such a drastic change before releasing w/e it was that they changed when the side effects are so disastrous.


Restarting realms affects Remix, which they just buffed and want people playing.
Can’t interrupt the bronze farm!

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its articleception!

Even if you don’t have the currency, the items that can be upgraded are highlighted.

Everybody stay calm. Do not panic. Grab the closest plushy or pillow, retreat into your respective bedrooms, and attempt to sleep. This crisis of catastrophic proportions will pass, I promise you this.

Those of you who can’t sleep, please join me in the circle and we shall sing for deliverance.

Amaaaaaazing graaaace…


Having to wait 24 hours for a fix to a hotfix which has completely bricked the current season’s main content and power progression really isn’t acceptable.


Can we toss dwarves instead?

M+ can still be run, you still get loot, and rating. You just can’t upgrade the gear right now, although most don’t upgrade dungeon drops right away because A) they might get better or more likely B) they’ll wait to see what the Vault offers. Someone said they went into a raid and it was awakened, even though none of the UI elements showed it. Not sure about that.

If nothing was actually working, there would be more urgency.
Not saying they haven’t dropped the ball many times already in S4, but this one problem lasting another 10h isn’t the worst.

That’s offensively hilarious to dwarves and we can do it on top of Thunder Bluff to maximise the impact crater size.

Lol You love coming onto the forums and trying to find a condescending angle, huh? Whatever gets you going, fella.

So i just want to be a part of the conversation here… so here goes.

OMG FIX GAME NOW!!! NO excuse do it now.

ok thanks.

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lame :confused: multi dollar company being shown at xbox event and we have to wait a whole day

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I would like to second this argument

Yes mate! This exact thing is happening to me right now! I just won a raid finder awakened chest piece. I went to upgrade it and notice half my geart is blackened and cannot upgrade. And like you - last seasons gear IS upgradeable? Exactly the same. What going on I wonder? What am I missing?

Yes, Aberrus drops awakened level gear. However, the adventure guide will show s2 ilevels.

PS: I can’t upgrade my gear either. (Sad face)

Imagine being a multibillion dollar company and still coding like devs in a garage. How can you not do any QA. At some point there needs to be accountability. This is a large part of the game non functional because the lack of QA and testing.

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