Unable to Turn in the quest "A Falling Star" - Khadgar is bugged

Cannot turn in the quest “A Falling Star” to Admiral Khadgar for my Priest Order Hall Campaign. This is for my priest toon called “Lengkibeon”. Pls help-thanks


Are you unable to find him? It may look like hes in the sewers, but you actually have to go to middle of dalaran and take the blue pedestal portal.

I’m having the same issue. Standing in the guardian’s chamber and he only has options to play cut scenes from dragonflight.

Edit: If you haven’t done the Hunt for Harbinger line, it takes priority over Falling Star and you can’t turn it in 'til you do the Hunt for Harbinger line. Once you finish that. Falling Star will be able to be turned in.


I’m having the same issue, but the problem is: I’ve already done all the Harbinger questline, and when I talk to Khadgar, he gives me 2 options: Stay awhile and listen and Tell me more about Xal’atath. He is with Jaina by his side btw.


Same thing with me. I want to go back and finish the legion class hall for my paladin. I cannot turn in this quest. I cannot continue the legion paladin campaign without turning it in. Customer support has not been helpful at all.


Turning in the Harbinger quest did nothing for me. I even abandoned the falling star quest and did it again. Nothing.


Same problem here. Looking for a solution, dropped and redid quest, already completed harbinger. Customer support was unhelpful with canned responses.


Adding a +1 to this, warlock/mage/priest stuck on this. All three have completed the Harbinger and the prepatch quest. Seems Khadgar is phased and it doesn’t have the old quest history to turn them in


same, i finished the harbinger quest line on 7 different toons actually. abandoned the questline like 3 times already. still can’t turn in falling star. i also went and looked for Khadgar in several places he can be and nothing to turn into.

the return quest marker is there and points directly to Khadgar in the room to the right of the stairs. but only has the 2 options stay and listen or tell me more about harbinger.


Same here. It’s like he is phased and I’m trying to turn in on my Druid to no avail.


Same issue. Harbinger quest line complete, Khadgar only has the options to talk about current events.


I am having the same issue. Trying to do the class hall questline for my Paladin and Khadgar is bugged. Blizz support was par for the course and gave me a canned response.


Same for me. I have also completed the “The Harbinger” and still cannot turn in the “A Falling Star”


Also having this issue. Abandoned quest “A Falling Star” to repick it up after “Harbinger” and instead Khadgar just totally disappeared… so there’s that


Having the same problem. Contacted support and used the “Stuck on a Quest” request and was told to get bent and google a fix myself.


Same problem.

I am also having this problem while trying to complete the rogue order hall quest. I am supposed to turn in “The Gates Are Closed” by speaking to khadgar in violet hold citadel but…he is nowhere to be found. And yes, I am in Broken Isles - Dalaran.

I just hit this brick wall too, then completed the harbinger questline and still nothing. Cant believe nobody thought about this at blizzard before they released this content. Thanks Blizz :slight_smile:


Add another frustrated player to the list! Having the same issue! and yep completed harbinger and Radiant echos and still no option to turn in falling star! Please fix!! working on my legion hall as well!

Same issue here. Trying to get my class mount for my pally and it only gives me the two options as well.

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