Unable to transfer

I play on the Classic Era realm Deviate Delight and I am unable to transfer my character off of the realm to the Whitemane cluster of realms. Plz free me from this dead realm. I will pay moneys.

That has been called out as a realm disabled from FCM for the time being, unfortunately.

Characters on that realm will have to sit tight for a while as there are no paid transfers available for that version of the game at this time.


Thank you for the info! Hopefully thats not a permanent thing…

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I cannot say for sure. Forum posts from September indicate it has been at least a few months.

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Interesting. I’ve had friends on Deviate Delight transfer about a week or so ago. Seems like something changed with the Anniversary realm update

That is interesting. It’s possible their documentation is out of date, though it was just updated four days ago and currently states:

The Character Transfer service is not available for WoW Classic Era realms, including Season of Discovery, Hardcore, and Anniversary Edition realms.

Some realms may have an active Free Character Migration available.

That links back to the first article I posted, however. Have you attempted to see if a PCT is available in the shop from an Era character selection screen?


No PCT or anything on the Era shop at the moment

I currently show a Free Character Transfer available for my character on Grobbulus.


Yeah I have that same option for my Deviate Delight character. However, it doesn’t provide any realm options to transfer to

For me it only shows Whitemane.


Very interesting. Hopefully they fix whatever is happening with Deviate Delight then. For a moment I was thinking maybe because its RPPVP but that’s not the case.