Unable to Submit a Support Ticket

Every time I try to create a support ticket for a bug, I get an error saying “There was a technical problem and this might be temporary.” I waited 9 hours since I tried.

This happens both in the website and in the game.

How do I submit a ticket now for a bug?

If it is to report a bug, then you can just post in the bug report forum. You could also post in the website bug report forum, or check to see if others are having the issue and have found workarounds.

If you think there is something a gm can do, then try another browser, clear the cache, etc.

Yup, I have put it in the forums, but it could be months for it to be fixed at this rate. It sucks that it is something you buy from the shop and it does not work right.

If it is vanishing transmog for store items, that is a known issue that it actively being worked on.

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No, the transmog is not vanishing.

What is happening is that I spend the gold to apply the change. Then I log off and switch to a character on another server and faction and play for awhile.

When I go back on my main, the transmog is no longer applied to my gear.

If it’s for one of the non-in-game appearances (like store or Recruit-a-Friend), it’s probably the issue Zungar noted.

Anyway, tickets are not an appropriate avenue for reporting a bug, because a GM (who respond to tickets) can’t fix bugs, correct their in-game effect, refund anything wasted by the bug, or accept a bug report.

Post in the Bug Report forum to report the observed bug.

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