Unable to sub

My sub expired last night because my old mastercard expired. I went to to go redo my sub with my new card and I got the error: Zounds! An internal error occured. Try again a bit later. If you see this message repeatedly, let us know. After several times throughout the evening of getting that error, I submitted a ticket. I got a reply from stating it was a known issue with mastercard. I do not have other cards and do not use paypal. After 15 years of using this card, I can no longer play. I am getting very frustrated.

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There’s currently a issue with MasterCard being investigated by blizzard.


Sorry, Nadaclue. I know they are looking into the issue, but we currently don’t have any more information.

I’m not sure if the issue is just with the card or the card in association with a subscription but you may try purchasing game time through the shop.


I am having the same issue.

Even the shop is not taking the mastercard. I did stop by game stop and buy a time card on my way home tonight. I’ve not had to buy a time card in over 10 years…lmao.

Alright, thanks for checking, Nadaclue. It was worth a shot. Hopefully the overall issue can be resolved soon. If you aren’t opposed to using Paypal, that would be an option.

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I am experiencing this as well. It does not accept my Mastercard. It worked fine before?

I can’t subscribe either, however, AFTER attempting to add a subscription to a new account, I purchased an upgrade to that same account and that went through (the same card Blizz has on file). When I tried to add a subscription again, I get the same error (Try using another payment method or try again later) When I try to change payment methods is gets to the first step before allowing me to enter ANY new card info and gives me the same error again (Try using another payment method or try again later)

Edit: Additional Info,
After purchasing BFA for the new acct, I got the receipt in an E-Mail, and the Launcher shows BFA on the 3rd acct, HOWEVER, when I click to open the third acct, it says “Starter Edition” in game. It also still says Starter edition when I look at my account details. Could this be why the subscription is not going through? Does not appear to be anything I can do on my end.

Unfortunately, the issue we are seeing adding Master Card as a payment option continues. We are working with our providers to help resolve the issue as quickly as possible. If you have another method of payment or the ability to use Paypal, that seems to be a viable workaround for many.

On your WoW#3 account, Attunai? It looks like Battle for Azeroth has been added. Keep in mind, if you jumped straight from a Starter Edition account there is a processing period where the leveling restrictions will have lifted but many other social restrictions will remain. That lasts for up to 24 hours.