Unable to send account bound items across realms

Today I tried to send some account bound items from a character on Lothar to a couple different ones on Area52 but nothing sends. I don’t get an error, just the items are never actually sent. Is this “working as intended” since we are supposed to have the Warbank but it’s broken right now?

I’d wait until after server maintenance and double check then.

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My thoughts exactly. Thanks!

it might be related to the issue with cross realm trading

it’s been disabled for now


Figures, they had to turn off cross realm trading for a few weeks last year but it worked fine since it was turned back on. When Warbanks were turned off I wondered if it was related. Guess I got my answer!!

What items specifically?

Besides crossream being disabled, enchanted gear is temporarily changed, but should change back with the next mini patch.

I was trying to send the Sons of Hodir account bound “Greater Inscription” shoulder enchants but I was also going to send some pre-enchanted heirlooms to a new character.