Unable to save in edit mode

Dude you saved our lives. Thank you so much.

Same. Encountered it this morning on this toon here.

Same problem!!

Thanks a lot!!

Close. You need to delete all the files in retail\WTF\Account folder (do not delete any folders). The files will recreate upon your next login. Then, in the same Account folder, go into your server folder (mine says “Stormscale”) and you’ll see a folder for each character you had. Delete all the files in those folders too. Restart your game, log in, delete any old templates you had created in Edit Mode, and should be fixed. The idea is you purge all old material.

this worked thank you <3

Update: this was working until I logged out and logged in again later. Every thing is reset to previous state. I then tried clear WTF account folder and disabled all addons and deleted these plagued profile in edit mode. I could save the UI but after a re-login, boom, these deleted profile came back.

At this point I come to believe this issue has to be fixed on the server side…


Doesn’t seem to be a server side issue, just local file corruption, probably from the last update. My quoted solution works fine.

If this fix isn’t working, reset the raid frames and boss frames to their original locations by hitting the button. I was able to save after that.


Am also having this same issue, seemed to only start today.

Tried turning all addon’s off.
Tried resetting all frames, but after moving some around and pressing save after every change it still eventually breaks, once broken I can’t save no matter what.

I got mine to save. Deleting cache and add-ons didn’t work.

I logged out to char selection screen, logged into a different character and logged back into the original.

Everything was the same except the chat bar, so maybe this will help some people.

Worked for me ty :slight_smile:

I am having the same problem. I have a custom UI that I made during pre-patch. When the expansion launched, as soon as I got my Dragonriding mount, I noticed that the Encounter Bar was in the middle of my toolbar. I moved it and saved. That worked just fine.

Then late last night I got into a group and noticed that my party frame had somehow moved down over my character portrait and the Encounter bar had moved. I tried to move it but couldn’t save. I logged out for the night and tried again this morning.

I turned on both the party frames and raid frames and tried the reload…it didn’t fix it. I tried turning off all my addons (I have non that affect the bars) and that didn’t work. I went into my WTF folder and deleted the edit-mode-cache files. That didn’t work.

I then tried importing into a new profile the UI I had. Still didn’t work. I then imported it with a different name…still didn’t work. I then created an entirely new UI and started to rebuild my old UI from scratch. This worked…for 30 min. About 3/4 of the way through re-creating my new UI…it stopped being able to save. This is beyond frustrating.

Not only was my server so lagged out the first two nights…I finally get one day of good solid playtime…then my UI bugs out. I think I just might go back to using ELVUI cause clearly Blizzard can’t get this to work right.

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Same issue happening to wife and I on 2 different PC’s.


This is a blue post on this issue I got today:


I haven’t been having any issues with things being in the wrong place or my UI resetting itself, but when I tried to move my debuff window it wouldn’t let me save. Lua Error popped up. As someone suggested I checked both Raid Frames and Boss Frames and used /reload. That worked for one save, then the problem came back. So it would seem (maybe?) you need to do /reload after every save to clear the lua error (or whatever is going on) for next time. I did and experiment with this, making one change and save at a time. Everytime, after i made a save, the next change & save cause the error, and /reload cleared it.

Has a solid solution been found to this yet? Nothing working for me here even the blue print response.

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yeah, my guess was that there is also some cache on the server side, so when I deleted everything locally, the client would still pull some cached config from server which is corrupted.

Anyway after clear and carefully try to recreate the profile without triggering the issue for several times my UI profile is fine now. Since blizzard has already been aware of the issue I won’t touch edit mode until they fix it.

Another observation is that if I modify the chat window and other frame in the same time and save, the profile won’t memorize the result. I have to modify the chat window itself separately, save it, log in and refresh again then modify other frame position.

i was having the same issue but with the stance bar, after changing how u like save to new profile and that should save the settings.

it’s on blizzard’s end, not us. i have all addons off and i get the same problems