Unable to save in edit mode

hello… a bunch of us have been having this issue where we cannot save after edit mode. ive been stuck playing with my UI looking like this:

my UI was deleted so i recovered it using the copy edit mode file but yea i cant change my UI now no matter what :frowning:


Have you tried resetting each UI element to its original position, then moving them?
When I get DC’d / game crashes my objective tracker always defaults back to right side, and I have to reset to original position first before it lets me move it to the left side again.

yeah but i cant save no matter what so when i exit edit mode it goes back to this. if i hit save/save and exit it does not do anything. it doesnt even exit edit mode when i press save and exit


i need help :frowning: sorry to bump this up but im tired of playing like this!!


same thing here


Ad me to the list of players with this problem!


bumping post!!


The game wont even let me hit “save” and when i hit cancel and try to save and exit the button wont click. so my pet bar is inside all my other abilities. very frustrating!


There’s an edit-mode-cache file in the retail\WTF\Account folder. Might be worth renaming it so the game is forced to create a new one, and trying to see if Edit Mode fixes itself.

Not sure if it’ll affect the entire account tho, so proceed at your own risk :smile:

Can’t save, delete or rename profiles in edit mode. :pleading_face:


This is incredibly annoying. I hope someone is looking at it.


Bumping. This is incredibly annoying, I had bartender set up perfectly in Shadowlands and now I’m forced to use this new UI if I don’t want constant errors and bugs BUT i’m getting bugs with the in-game UI. Feels like i’m picking my poison here.


I had this problem. It was throwing an lua error when I tried to save. I can’t delete profiles so I had to create a new profile, set everything up how I want it all over again. And the old, bugged profile is forever stuck in that list, can’t be deleted.

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I found a fix for it: In Edit Mode, select “Raid Frames” and “Boss Frames”, then exit Edit Mode without saving and /reload. Don’t de-select Raid Frames/Boss Frames until Blizzard fixes the bug!


This works for now! Thank you.

Thank you so much dude. You are the best.

OMFG thank you. I was healing a dungeon last night and my ui was so messed up. I deleted the cache, wtf and interface folders. Deleted all my addons. I was going insane. Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

Not the hero we deserve, but the one we need right now…thanks dude!

I also faced the same issue just now. Solved thanks to this.

One more tip: If you are using any addons that hide these frames and you can’t see them when you are in edit mode, you may need to temporarily disable these addons before trying the fix.

From my experience these frames not only need to be selected but also need to be actually present on the screen. I had to disable shadow unit frame to make this working. You can enable the addon after saving the UI.

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Working for some, but not all. Need help blizzard. At least address it.