I am not able to remove the Glyph of Winged Vengeance when using the vanishing powder, it doesn’t highlight any spell to be removed. I have changed talents, specs… etc…however, it is still not showing up to remove it. Thanks.
What is the name and level of the affected character?
Note: If you applied the glyph to a spell that you later replaced with a talent, you must first remove the talent and restore the original spell. For example, if you are a Paladin, and you have replaced Avenging Wrath with Avenging Crusader, you won’t be able to remove the Glyph of Winged Vengeance unless you remove the Avenging Crusader talent first.
If you tried all of the above and you still cannot remove a glyph, you may have a damaged UI element or addon: please reset your UI.
I have followed the instructions from the link provided and I was unsuccessful (I tried prior to posting). It is on my 80 Paladin - Hexxadin-Dalaran
When looking at your spellbook, it is still showing the Glyph on Avenging Wrath?
I am trying out things to see if mine gets stuck as well.
I have added & removed the Glyph several times now without issue on my Paladin. I tested just normally adding and then removing right away. I also tested by switching to Radiant Glory and then removing that ability. Even switching to Prot and then back to Ret did not have an effect on my ability to remove the Glyph.
If performing the full UI reset (from previous post) did not help your issue, then all I can advise at this point is to move this post to the Bug Report forum. You can do that by editing your original post via the pencil icon and choosing a new category for the forum.
Something that worked for me was: I got a new Glyph of Winged Vengeance and added it to the spell to kinda overwright it?. THEN i used the dust to removed it and worked! I hope it helps other paladins in the future. (lets hope they fix the bug… it sucks that we have to buy a second one just to remove it) Best of luck! happy new year!