Unable to queue for Random Cataclysm dungeon

I’ve been in Chromie-time for Cataclysm and am sitting at level 69, but I am unable to queue for Cataclysm dungeons. WHY?

Doesn’t Chromie time end at level 69?

Kicks you out at 71 iirc, can’t change timelines after 68.

Could’ve sworn that after I reached 59/60 (prior to TWW) that I would get kicked out as soon as I entered Org.

They increased the maximum level for it sometime during DF to let people get to level 61, I believe. But in my experience it continues up to 71 now, albeit with xp seeming to drop off from non-tww content, to at least let you finish up what you are doing before warping you out.

I’ve not the faintest idea why it’d not let them queue up, though