Unable to play for over 13 hours now

Thanks to these DDoS attacks I get stuck in the logging in to server screen to a DC. When can I expect to play again? When can gametime credits be seriously discussed?


They won’t ever be seriously discussed because getting DDoSed isn’t blizzards fault.
stuff happens.


AW man That blows, I remember back in 2004 things were so bad that their were days I couldnt log in at all players were so pissed ( Who could blame them the Lag, Glitches, unexpected server shutdowns etc… ) that eventually Blizzard started giving people free game time. Doubt they will be generous this time around.

The login issues in 2004 were Blizzard’s fault though, so it isn’t an accurate comparison to the current DDOS-related issues.


Yeah but blanket banning ISPs? Sounds like a Blizzard issue.

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Never, because downtime is part of what you agreed to when you made the account.

Maybe? As long as they have the cover of “it’s not us, it’s our ISP” though, free game time seems unlikely.

tbh I really don’t care, what’s a day of gametime really? 50 cents.

What annoys me is the literal denial of service.

 Call it what you will (DDos attack or incompetence)   at the end of the day you cant play you cant play ,  it still results in utter frustration!
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Classic is free with a retail sub. How can Blizzard give you game time credits for something you aren’t even paying for in the first place?

I can 100% tell you these attacks are due to private servers losing incomes and players due to official classic eventually they will move onto another target when the money is dried up

I dont think playing for over 13 hours is safe. Maybe its a good thing you cant play for 13 hours or more straight now

No. I mean I got disconnected from the server 13 hours ago and couldn’t log in since. Except now its up to 16 hours. I cannot play.

My guess the OP is on a high pop server, so when the servers eventually did come back up the queues were full again.

On my server there really are no queues except after a server crash… because you have to get through the login server (which all servers are using) before you can even login to your server (which only your server is using).

OP probably had to get through both…

No, it’s been stuck at Logging Into Game Server into a disconnect.