I’m unable to log into this website on Firefox 128.0 (64-bit).
On the authentication page, after submitting my email address and password, the page refreshes/reloads/redirects back to itself while the system contacts the Battle.net app on my phone for 2-factor authentication. So, I’m stuck in this infinite loop of entering and submitting my login information. Approving the 2-factor authentication requests on my phone does nothing because the authentication page has already refreshed/reloaded/redirected back to itself.
After googling for a solution, I found this:
To login on Firefox, I had to do the same thing as the OP in that thread.
I opened Firefox’s Web Developer Tools and looked at the Network tab. I reloaded the authentication page. I saw a 404 error for https://us.account.battle.net/login/static/images/toolkit/themes/bnet-next/meta/android-icon-192x192.png
I right clicked on that 404 url/file and selected Block URL.
This also worked for me.
Edge would log in fine.
FF would take the info, go to the verify screen, and pop back.
Opening network shows the 404 error as posted above.
RClicking and blocking that site now allows FF to log in and get verified.
THANK YOU for this info!
This is still happening to me, too, on two different computers (one Linux, one Windows) with Firefox, exactly as described above. I tried the “Block URL” workaround as described above, and that fixed it.
I’ve been a web developer for 25 years and even I’m a little baffled at how a missing image would cause the entire authentication pane to vanish.