Can’t apply any talents in the new shaman talent tree.
Shpould fix this ASAP. Right now i am forced to play without half of my abilities.
Can’t apply any talents in the new shaman talent tree.
Shpould fix this ASAP. Right now i am forced to play without half of my abilities.
Not sure if this is the same issue, but found this thread looking for one. Like the guy above me, I am also a resto shaman. Just going to keep editing this post as I test/try things with info
I am unable to import or save new loadouts on my rshaman, and sometimes I can’t even change talents within the same loadout. All it does is copy my existing build, while adding a new name to the loadout list that doesn’t actually do anything. I can’t change/save anything.
Disabled all addons and renamed WTF folder and it did not help the issue. Edit: also tried on another computer with a fresh install of WoW and no addons, and it doesn’t work there either. Not getting any LUA errors, it just doesn’t function.
I am stuck in this talent build.
edit2: okay, sometimes works if I manually edit my “stuck” talent build and save as a new one, and then edit the original one back - assuming it lets me swap back to the original one and doesn’t just clone the current changes, which is usually what it does.
Half the time it seems that it will not save changes (I get “Unable to learn talent” error and an endless loading circle between talent trees), so I’m having to redo this multiple times but eventually I am sometimes able to get it to function and save a new build correctly, although my ability to swap back to it is unreliable and sometimes requires multiple reloaduis or logouts before it finally works (we’re talking like one in twenty tries). I finally got a second build set up after much effort, but it’s not letting me swap back to it anymore.
I can’t even intentionally save a clone of my current loadout with NO talent changes. It just says “Unable to learn talent” and I get the loading circle again.
Importing talents never works. It just creates a new name on the loadout list that I am unable to swap to, and just shows a clone of whatever current talents I am in.
Additionally, even though I do not have shared action bars set, it is cloning my changes in one build’s action bar changes back to all the others.
Edit3: My other specs work fine. It’s only restoration that behaves this way! I just set up a bunch of loadouts in ele and enh and can swap and update between them all just fine.
Edit 4: A second shaman on my account also works fine! That character, however, is not level capped and did not previously have any points assigned.
Edit 5: I cannot unlearn Acid Rain, Healing Rain, Deluge, or Riptide, so I am unable to redo the entire build from scratch to see if that fixes anything.
Something is definitely not working right and I’m unable to pin it down to a specific source since the functionality seems broken on multiple levels.
Happened to me too, however I am able to change talents but my talent loadouts all override each other. No addons installed. Can’t save any new loadouts either.
Currently, I’m unable to unlearn certain talents in the Paladin Class tree.
Happened to me too, however I am able to change talents but my talent loadouts all override each other. No addons installed. Can’t save any new loadouts either.
On that hunter or also on a resto shaman?
happening on my resto shaman as well. maybe the acid rain talent is causing it?
edit: i was able to save one of my specs and swap to another one but when i tried to swap specs after applying the points in that one, it casts the spec swap and then fails
yeah maybe its acid rain breaking it, since I seem to be unable to unlearn the talent to test. The “Starter” build is the only one I can freely swap to, and it does not have that talent taken.
Edit: yes, it’s acid rain talent that is breaking and bugging it, if I edit builds that haven’t taken it, everything works until I try to swap to one that has and it breaks again.
Exact same issue going on with my ret paladin.
Having same issue with Ret Paladin tree
so we think it’s the acid rain talent causing it in the resto shaman tree.
ret paladins, anyone wanna see if they can figure out which talent(s) are causing it for that class?
Paladins, I’d try swapping to the starter build and see if you can unlearn the talents there and rebuild from scratch to figure out what talent can get “stuck” and test to see if that’s the one breaking things.
Having this issue (amongst others) with the talents.
ANY of the above things gives the same error, “Unable to learn talent”, with the constant spinning circle.
**This is happening to multiple classes/characters. Not just my paladin. Also, have disabled, then uninstalled, ALL addons, and it does nothing.
This has now affected me. Can’t change between talent builds. It appears to be Acid Rain causing the problem, but I don’t make this game so I only know that this sucks.
Edit: I had a couple of incomplete loadouts. Deleting a couple of them made it possible to finally change one of them. Might have been coincidence, but still problematic.
This is affecting me as well, only protection tree (paladin). Blizzard FIX YOUR STUFF.
Still can’t switch into any spec with acid rain. Stuck in my raid healing spec until further notice
yes me too, cant don anything with my talents and it’s ONLY on pally so far
Also affected. Stuck in a raid healing spec that cannot defend itself very well in world content, in a world content update patch.
Same story here. Would love to be able to play the game as intended and swap talent trees without the “Unable to learn Talent” error. Stuck in Mythic Dungeon talents and am unable to swap over for to raid talents on my Resto Shaman.
I get an “internal error” when trying to swap or learn talents as a Havoc Demon Hunter
this worked on my paladin