Unable to learn talent

I am having the same issue on my Resto Shaman since 10.0.7. After many attempts, I was able to save two builds. But I could not save a 3rd, and I could not unlearn Acid Rain on my raid specs. I read that someone was able to fix it by clearing all their talents and starting over. I did that, disabled my addons, and could not save more than 1 Resto talent set. When I tried to save another I got what Tevah described–“Unable to unlearn talent” and endless loading circle. It then “saved” my current talent setup as a generic loadout without a name. Something seems to be wrong, likely revolving around the Acid Rain talent.

Then I FINALLY found a way to set up a 2nd and 3rd build by selecting Starter Build and working from there. I now have 2 builds with acid rain this way and one without! But this is a workaround. Before 10.0.7, I was able to create alternate builds from an existing build and not Starter Build.


Ursana is my shaman for Anura…

Ive been having these issues since .7 as well. Today I figured out how to drop Acid Rain by using the button at the bottom to unlearn the whole right tree and respeccing. Unfortunately, now I cant switch to my other build that has it.

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I may have solved this. The problem appears to be with Acid Rain in the talent tree being the old talent if you’ve already taken it. I don’t know why that wouldn’t let you unlearn it but that’s not important. What you need to do is use the reset button on whatever loadout you’re using that you don’t want it in and rebuild your class tree from scratch. Delete your other builds that have acid rain that you can’t switch to (because the talent they have is the old one) and remake or import a new build. This is what I did this morning and I now have no issues switching between my pvp and raid builds that do and don’t have acid rain respectively.


This is affecting me too. All addons off. Driving me INSANE.

Tried opening a help desk ticket for this. Got this replay from a GM:

/clearBrokenTalents (didn’t work for me)
/resetTraitConfig -1 (also didn’t work)

But, I did find some fix, at least for now, and it looks like others may have replied the same here, but, you have to delete all builds, go into your Starter Build, manually shift your talents, save that build, manually adjust them again, and save the new build. Once those are done, I was able to swap them back and forth correctly.

Weird bug that’s specific for Resto…


I didn’t have to delete all builds, just the ones that weren’t working. If that’s all of your talent builds, then you need to delete all of them and remake them. It happened to 2/4 of my builds, they must have had a talent in them that didn’t translate to the new version of that talent correctly. The worst part was I couldn’t see what was in the build, the talent window did an animation like it had switched, but it didn’t switch anything, so any personal changes I had made to the build but didn’t have memorized, I can’t see what they were now.

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It is acid rain - I cannot unlearn it. Even if I try to reset the entire tree, I won’t let me click it off.


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