Unable to learn talent

out of nowhere, I started getting this message n fury warrior. was mid raid and tried to go into a ST tree. then all of a sudden, unable to learn talent. took me about 15 minutes trying to figure out what the problem was. any time I select reckless abandon, and I hit apply I get unable to learn talent. is there a fix for this. I have been doing searching for the past few hours and there is no concrete answer

Have you tried doing a full UI reset? I know someone else was having a similar-ish issue with a druid talent last night, but they submitted a report over on the Bug Report forum.

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If memory serves correct, you cannot change spec or talents during a raid, dungeon, BG, or arena.


You can in raids…. And yes I deleted Wtf. And interface as a test. After 6 hours before going to work I logged in and tried to learn reckless again and still says unable to learn talent. This is soooo annoying as it’s a huge skill for ST as fury. Waiting to see what happens after the maint today

I know OP found some of the other posts about this exact same issue - dropping a link here to connect 'em - Cannot Take Specific Class Talent

I can confirm I am getting the same problem with my Demon hunter. After importing a raider io talent profile (before they removed the option), I got a message that this profile could not load and the apply icon was grayed. Nevertheless, after a few seconds, it allow me to apply the settings, and since then, my character is fully bugged.

No matter what I do, I cannot select from one of two choice nodes (specifically elysian decree vs fodder to the flame). I no longer had access to that buggy string. I search online and found some rio links before they were pulled down. If I enter the string again, I get some strange things happening. In particular, I can learn put points into talents my specialization knows already or get negative talents.

Same with me but only seems to be with Piercing Fangs on my BM hunter. I haven’t had an issue choosing anything else.

It typically bugs with choice nodes or talents that a specialization gets for free.