Unable to edit LFG listings with Authenticator attached to account

I have the mobile authenticator attached to my account, but I am unable to edit the text fields in the dungeon finder. I have tried to remove and re-attach the authenticator to my account but that had no effect. I cannot add SMS verification because my number is not valid according to Blizzard. If I use the default listing options the text comes out in spanish for some reason.


Same for me. I’ve had an authenticator active forever but still can’t use group finder.

Same issue here. I have a ticket open but the ETA for response is 4 days. :roll_eyes:

Hope they fix this in the scheduled maintenance today.

Same issue here. I put in a ticket and got a response however the issue hasn’t been fixed for me. I’ll share what the GM’s suggestion was. They “cleared my cache” and should be fixed when i relog (which didn’t fix it). If the issue still happens, go into my account and reset my password which will force an account update which apparently should fix it. Problem is, that site won’t let me change my password either. For some reason says the password isn’t correct… which is funny bc i can log in and out all i want …?? Might work with others though. GL everyone and hope they fix this soon

I tried updating my password and that did not fix the problem. This is very frustrating.

Anyone have an update to this? I’m still having this issue

I believe you have to have a SMS number attached to your account as well in order to edit the description for LFG listings. If Blizzard is unable to recognize your number, perhaps you can try a Google Voice number?

(If you have both the Authenticator and Phone Notifications enabled, then it’s most likely a legit bug on Blizzard’s end.)

Delete your internet cache and then try to change your password again. If that doesn’t work, try turning off your internet browser’s autofill. It could be interfering with all the forms on the page.

Or just use a different internet browser.


Has anyone found a working solution to this? I am having the same problem.

I am having the same problem, my authenticator doesn’t count as “active” without the SMS and I can’t enter a phone number for it because I’m not based in the US and it won’t accept a UK country code.

Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a solution other than having a phone number that Blizzard will accept for SMS notifications. Its a shame as the dungeon finder is still filled with spam and advertisements. I’ve logged in from the same location for years, and have reported all the ads I see in the dungeon finder in the, apparently, vain attempt at helping the WoW community. Honestly, it looks like punishment directed at me and players like me. A player in another thread said it best: " It only provides a temporary speed bump for them at best and still continue to inconvenience a few actual paying customers who will stop being customers after too much inconvenience for the sake of ‘hoops for bots to be programed to auto jump’"


It’s a very sad indictment of the company for sure. I had the region for my account set back to UK so I read my balance in GBP but my option to set a phone number still has the country code for the US greyed out on their screen so I can’t use my actual phone number. Very clear they’ve not done any kind of testing for use cases when rolling out this security feature, potentially locking out what few people are left still playing the game. Very unfortunate to witness a company like blizzard in this stage of corporate downsizing but what can you do?

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There isn’t anyone being locked out. You can still list groups, you can still play the game. You can’t customize groups. That’s it.

If you figure the number of cases like yours with the regional differences and such versus those set up without all of the specialty circumstances? The vocal minority are the ones storming the forums about the unfairness of it all. I’m sorry you’re being inconvenienced but you’re not limited in playing this game in any capacity except for being able to customize a group listing.

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Wait, are you actually here to argue that we shouldn’t expect consistent quality of service? Have you not seen the state WoW’s been in recently? People don’t learn to live with new inconveniences from a service they’re familiar with, they just quit and look elsewhere for the quality they’ve come to expect. Do you think WoW still sits on a throne of zero competition? Think again. The game is floundering and decisions like this do not contribute to its favour.

Just as an example: I was in a group yesterday helping friends with keystones, they usually rely on me to run groups because I have a high keystone rating and attract better players. Now we have to rely on whoever it is that is actually holding the keystone, and for some of these more inexperienced players managing a keystone listing is a lot of stress they don’t want to deal with. Why should players be forced to deal with that just because someone - maybe not even the player in question - doesn’t have SMS 2FA set up on their account?

Prompting uptake of a security feature by offsetting an unrelated feature of a service is an absolutely terrible design decision. Likewise prompting uptake of that security feature as an offset for a dysfunctional feature within the service - in this instance prevalence of ad listings in LFG - is also very poorly thought out. There’s so many ways this will work against people who just want to play the game. Rationalizing short-sighted development decisions with “it’s the players who just need to learn to live with it” is the very philosophy that’s killing the game, it drives casual players away and it incentivizes dedicated players to orchestrate precisely the sort of shortcuts and workarounds that the ad listings themselves are a symptom of.


I’m not here to argue anything. Moreso provide facts.

You’re the one wanting to deep dive into all of this mess. Are you inconvenienced? Sure. I am truly sorry that you and others are. I really am. But they did what they did to help curb at least some of the spam and botting going on in the LFG channels. It wasn’t a perfect solution by any stretch, but it has helped a great deal already.

We pay to access the servers. That is it. That is what our subs are. Nothing has changed in that regard. If you read the terms and conditions we agree to? There isn’t a guarantee of up-time.

Long before now, guild leaders could limit their members by requiring authenticators on their accounts. The Devs decided to take this a step further. You are not limited by any means aside from being able to customize details in LFG. That is all you’re being restricted by. You can play the game. You can list groups. You can join groups.

Everything else? Is just hot air. Competition, needing to kiss our butts and cater to each and every whim - nah. If you don’t like it? Don’t play. As you said, plenty to choose from now. But Blizzard decided to implement this change. It’s within their purview to demand folks fall in line to keep their accounts secure. It’s no different than extra bag slots or a pet for having an authenticator, only that the perk now is an extra boon when listing groups. It’s not hindering anyone. All it is in a step of minor inconvenience.

Perhaps in time they’ll develop something to help folks in your circumstance. Or those with phones or plans that are not compatible. But for now, this is the best solution they have for the wider populace.


this is the type of attitude that is killing this game. You can get on your sanctimonious high horse and extol the virtues of Blizzard trying to make the game better by creating more restrictions, but right now on the alliance there’s just as much advertisements for dungeon and raid carries as there were before. There are much better options to control advertisements, but this is just a half baked idea they implemented. Just like they did when they made it so where only level 60s could make listings. It was awesome the first day or two, but the spam came right back.


I went to my account from the battle.net app>communication tab> turned on SMS messages for suspicious logins>logged out bnet>logged in and boom it worked. sharing what worked for me


worked for me also thanks

Everything else? Is just hot air. Competition, needing to kiss our butts and cater to each and every whim - nah. If you don’t like it? Don’t play. As you said, plenty to choose from now. But Blizzard decided to implement this change. It’s within their purview to demand folks fall in line to keep their accounts secure. It’s no different than extra bag slots or a pet for having an authenticator, only that the perk now is an extra boon when listing groups. It’s not hindering anyone. All it is in a step of minor inconvenience.


That isn’t how business works though and to the original point of this with people like I already have an authenticator attached to my account and they can fix it on their end so it actually works like originally intended. I don’t need it on my phone and it’s not about kissing our butts it’s about operating like a business should especially when people ALREADY have this on their accounts.

I’m not gonna say you’re toxic like others because you’ve got the right to your opinion but it is a crappy one and you know it is. I’m all for wanting people to secure their accounts but some of us already have secure accounts and aren’t willing to jump through an extra hoop when we already have the hoop in front of us.

If you do not have SMS added to your account, then no, they do not have to give you something they have explicitly said requires both authenticator and SMS. They provide the service as stated in the EULA which even states that things can change and it is up to us to follow the changes, or not. If you don’t like the changes, then provide your feedback in the appropriate place. That would be the General Discussion Forum where the people who make such game change decisions can view it and take it in to consideration. It also provides them with discourse from a great many other players as well who would comment in the thread.

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Welcome to the wonderful concept of Grandfathering…

Stop acting like you’re a lawyer for WoW and just go away so the rest of us can actually call this what it is when I originally bought the AUTHENTICATOR years ago and how Blizzard and for that matter any other company can do something called Grandfathering. My authenticator worked fine for years upon years and is still working just fine for me and the game… except to make a bloody GROUP in-game which I have never had any problem doing before but now that Blizzard wants access to my phone even though…

I could do ALL of this normally before with or without the Authenticator pretty much makes your ramblings utterly useless and if anything you’re just another troll acting like a know-it-all when you don’t need to.