The character I have should fit the criteria to dethrone the guild leader in this very old guild he’s in, but the game keeps saying he doesn’t have permission. What do I need to do to fix that?
Likely your GM hasn’t been inactive long enough to be dethroned then.
The DM has been inactive for 11 years.
In order to become Guild Leader you have to meet the criteria here
It is more than just the GM being inactive. If you don’t have the proper guild rank then you can’t take over the guild.
Blizzard will not get involved in Guild ranking anymore.
Are you referring to this character, True? It does look like you should qualify. I think the guild leader being away for 4100+ days, and you being rank one does fit the criteria.
You might try resetting your User Interface, just in case something is interfering. If that doesn’t work, you’ll likely need to submit a ticket and see if we can help.
Keep in mind that our staff is generally hands-off guild management, so be sure to specify that your character is Rank 1 and should qualify for dethrone.
Yes, this is the character. He should definitely qualify (I’ve read all the info) so that’s why I was confused. Thank you, I’ll try that.
How would I go about submitting a ticket for a very similar situation?
By following the directions in the link provided above.
Keep in mind the topic is four years old and a lot has changed in those years. It’s always better to start a new thread to get more up to date info if the topic is more than a few weeks old.
If you are not of sufficient rank to dethrone, then a ticket will not help. It is very possible for a guild leader to have ranks set up in such a way that no one can ever dethrone them and take control.
If you’re referring to the guild this character is in, according to the Armory you are rank 4 - and outside the rank threshold to qualify to dethrone. A GM will not be able to assist you.
I believe there is ONE exception to the ‘must be within top 3 ranks below Guild Master rank’ rule for dethroning:
If you are the guild’s original founder (that is, the person who bought and turned in the guild charter that formed the guild, not merely one of the signatories on it), you are still in the guild on that character, and the current guild master has been inactive long enough to trigger the dethroning system, you can file a ticket to request guild leadership back. If you aren’t the guild founder, you’re out of luck.
If and i mean if they were original GM there mite not be logs to back that data only lasts long enough and even if there was evidence a GM mite stiill not be able to do it.
I’m just spitballing, but I feel like data like that is intrinsic. Like a guild’s birth certificate, listing who the founding and co-founding members were. That’s inherent to a guild’s identity, the founder can never be changed unless it’s disbanded and recreated.
Founders would have no problem at all claiming they’re the original leader where data like that will be available as long as the guild is still around.
Guess well see what vrak or orlyia sees in the monrning.
Indeed. If you were the guild leader previously and were dethroned, if the person that dethroned you is currently inactive and would normally trigger the dethrone option, we may be able to help.
Any idea on how the logs work for that id have assumed that kinda data doesnt last forever.
Not all data in the game is the same. Some things are permanant, and some things are temporary.
Examples of temp things (lasts months at most these days):
- Chat logs
- Second by second game logs showing vendor transactions, boss kills, loot picked up, etc.
- Mail logs, AH logs, crafting records
Examples of things that are kept forever:
- Quest completion IDs
- Achievement completion IDs
- Character service transfer snapshots and records
- Character creation info.
- Guild creation info and I THINK the GMs of it. They can see who created it, and any changes to the GM position.
Mirasol is partially correct. I am sure there are logs that would reflect various guild activities, but that is not what we use since they are retained for a very limited time.
Guild info is kept similarly as character info, so certain information is kept almost indefinitely. Though things like that original guild leader, etc… don’t usually remain. Guild events, such membership promotions/removals stick around for awhile though, and that is what we usually check.
Cool ty for that.