Unable to connect (WOW51900328)

i been kicked off for 4 days now …guessing i have the same problem


Follow up with Technical Support. Either the forum or through tickets.

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i sent a ticket …just waiting on the reply …if i cant get it back i lose tlpd aeonaxx an the harbringer mount …ill never play again …blizz needs to start actually doing there job by looking into these things not just banning accounts without actual proof of illegal doings

Make up your mind.

Are you having connection issues or was your account banned/suspended?

2 different issues. Requiring different approaches.


Unless you got an email saying your account was banned, then you are not banned. You need to monitor the Tech Support forums to see what is going on with the connectivity issues that have been occurring since the DDOS attacks on Saturday.

Again, you are NOT banned.


Where in the world did you get the idea you’ve been banned? You haven’t been.


They aren’t being removed from the game.

Blizzard is doing their job. They got most players back online after the DDoS attack. They rebooted the Classic realms on Monday. They worked on the authentication servers on Tuesday. Some like yourself still aren’t back, but it’s the fault of the scum who did the attack and not Blizzard. Blizzard, like yourself, is one of the victims. Work with Technical Support to get back on.


i get …you have been disconnected (WOW51900328) i click help an get sent to this forum where it starts with i been banned …thats where i got the idea from

Our support site has detailed articles for connection errors like this. You can find specific information about WOW51900328 here -

I’m going to go ahead and split this off into its own topic though since it is unrelated to the original topic being discussed in the other one. If you still need help, there are links in the article that will connect you with Technical Support.

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Going to go ahead and lock this topic since it seems to be attracting the attention of folks with the objective of not helping.

Comatoze, please do reach out to our Technical Support teams if you need further assistance. Thanks!