Unable to connect - WOW51900324

Right clicked an item from one of the starting dwarfs quest Brann or whatever, after completion of the item being used immediate kick to log-in screen with UNABLE TO CONNECT. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER. (WOW51900324) and have not been able to log back in since. -.-


same here, i was at the auction hall about to buy something, clicked on it and then i got DCd and it tells me the same thing
cant log in.

About 30-40minutes for me so far, you?

just happened right now like 5 mins ago

SAME EXACT SCENARIO FOR ME!!! This is crazy, you would think Blizz could fix any bugs BEFORE general release… been unable to log in for 10 ish minutes…

I think it is wider spread than that. I was literally just moving when I got kicked and can’t get back.

Same here, WOW51900324. 5 minutes ago

Gotcha, defiantly seems like something widespread then. Seems it hit a good chunk of people. Probably give it another 30m - hour or so… usually works itself out.

just tried logging in again and it took me to character list and then DC’d me again lol getn cloer

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im back in!

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Welp: Back to Baldur’s Gate III, I guess. That game actually works.


I had this problem all weekend, I played for several hours today no problem. I logged off for about 30 mins and now I’m unable to log back on. I was unable to game for several years because of carpal tunnel. I finally got the surgery, and it worked just enough I could play again. Please fix this soon because I have several years of gaming to catch up on and it’s driving me nuts.

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I was just able to log back in at 7.59pm

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Same. Was removed from game and can’t log back in.

yeah it kicked me back out again, and now im stuck out…

was able to log back in and just got removed from game. same error WOW 51900324

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Appears to be very similar to DDOS attack, would wait it out I think.

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Did this to me for the last hour. Finally got back in, tried to turn in a quest and kicked me out again… I really wanted to play!!!

Same. DC’d during a quest and stuck at “retrieving character list” for the past 10 minutes.

Same here. Waiting is the only option?