Unable to connect - WOW51900324

Eu estou tendo o mesmo problema de disconnect. Acho isso uma falta de consideração, se eles vendem X eles precisam conseguir atender X e não menos que isso. Como assim todos meus amigos estao jogando e eu, por criterio que nao consigo entender qual, nao consigo?

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Are there any streamers having the same issue? (to get an idea of how wide spread it is)

I got dc’d in the middle of running a dungeon as the healer :^) from what I read on another thread, this has been an issue since the beginning of early access… off and on at least. it’s across several servers, but I’m on Nesingwary experiencing it. Have tried full closing and reopening only ending up with the same error or perpetual ‘retrieving character/realm list’ before getting dc’d again

Same… wth man

non-streamers don’t count? weird plug.

Same thing here, did the first delve came out and tried to turn the quest in and it kicked me. I can log into other characters but not my dk which is in Dorn

Same… I paid for early access to be able to play even on release day, never doing that again…

omg samesies. how wonderfully typical.

I tried logging back into my character when it did get onto the character list, saw it changed my talents so I went to swap em back and it crashed me immediately

I’m about the same here

Same, was in an instance and got disconnected. Have been unable to log in since then.

Same issue here, was d/c’d, stuck on unable to connect, then retrieving realm list for a long time, then retrieving character list, eventually was able to get back in. Played for about 5 mins, then got d/c’d again. Going through the same process again…same error code WOW 51900324…ugh…meanwhile my BF sitting a couple feet from me has been playing this whole time without issue.

Same here.

I Got The Same Problem

I jumped, landed, got kicked, and now I’m unable to log in. Can’t even press ‘submit’ on the support ticket.

The problem persists!

Same here :frowning:

im at 15 mins now i was flying around loot a treasure and boom d/ced and now cant get in.

It’s the normal can’t handle this many people coming back to the game thing. Least I got to play for 3 days before this stuff started. I will keep trying to get back in after getting disconnected though my husband will have the delve finished before I do I am sure.

Not plugging, just cant see if you’re able to play online aka, i have no idea if its more than just us in forums (a relative handful of people). Checking twitch and seeing it across the board shows how bad it is.