Unable to complete quest Delver's Call: Earthcrawl Mines

having same issues, not completing, and fire variant not counting web burning

Issue still persists. Flamethrower not counting webs destroyed so you cannot advance in the delve. Also, on other tiers if you complete it does not complete the quest Delver’s Call: Earthcrawl Mines

Glad I came here first. Couldn’t even advance past the first room in the version with burning up the webs with the lamplighter

yep same issue can’t do delve. first part of clearing webs is broken today and 2 days ago it wouldnt let me complete quest and did delve on all 3 levels WTH blizzard.

This issue spontaneously resolved itself today for me - I had originally picked up and completed the quest a few days ago (see further up this thread), but it looked “odd” in my quest log like there was no follow up i.e. where to turn the quest in upon completion of the delve. Today when I logged in, it appeared uncompleted again so I tried my luck and after completing the delve it displayed that I could turn the quest in, and who to turn it into.

Issue seems to be fixed on its own or they pushed a fix but ran the Delve again today and the quest completed.

They pushed a hot fix.

Currently ran into this issue myself. after taking the lift its still saying I haven’t on a lvl 4 bountiful